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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)


When you need a showstopper holiday dessert, look no further than this elegant rolled cake, which is inspired by the French bûche de Noël, or yule log.


For the chocolate sponge cake:

  • 3盎司。苦甜巧克力,切碎
  • 2汤匙。温水
  • Softened butter for the pan
  • Flour for the pan
  • 9个大鸡蛋,分开
  • 1cup granulated sugar
  • 1-1/8盎司。(6 tbs。)荷兰加工的可可粉,筛选;更多用于除尘
  • 1/8茶匙。食盐


  • 2个大蛋清
  • 1/2杯加2汤匙。砂糖;品尝更多
  • 食盐
  • 5盎司。(10 tbs。)无盐黄油,在室温下完全变软
  • 1个香草豆,种子刮擦,豆荚保存用于另一种用途
  • 1//2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • Finely grated zest of 1 orange


  • 3汤匙。浓奶油
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2杯加1-1/2汤匙。水
  • 1-1/2 oz. (1/2 cup) Dutch-processed cocoa powder
  • 1-1/2 tsp. unflavored powdered gelatin


  • Sweetened whipped cream
  • 1/2杯蜜饯橙皮



  • Position a rack in the middle of the oven and heat the oven to 350°F. In a double boiler, melt the chocolate with the warm water. Let cool to room temperature.



    In a clean, dry bowl with clean, dry beaters (any grease will keep the whites from whipping), whip the egg whites with an electric mixer at medium speed until they’re frothy and begin to increase in volume, about 30 seconds. In a steady stream, add the remaining 1/2 cup sugar. Increase the speed to medium high and whip until soft peaks form, 2 to 3 minutes in a stand mixer, or 4 to 6 minutes with a hand mixer.

    With a rubber spatula, fold the whites into the chocolate mixture in two equal additions. You can fold in the first half vigorously to lighten the yolks, but fold in the second half gently, mixing just until the batter is evenly colored with no streaks of white. Don’t overmix. Scrape the batter into the baking pan, gently spreading and smoothing it to make sure it’s level. Bake until the top springs back lightly when touched, 22 to 25 minutes.



  • Immediately after taking the cake from the oven, run a small knife around the inside edge to loosen it from the pan. Invert the cake pan onto the towel in one quick motion. Remove the pan. Carefully peel off the parchment. Using both hands and starting from one of the short ends, roll up the cake and the towel together. Let cool to room temperature.

Make the filling

  • 用1到2英寸的非常热的水填充宽锅或直底煎锅。在电动搅拌机的碗中,搅拌蛋清,1/2杯糖和大量的盐,直到混合。将碗放在热水锅中;确保水至少达到碗中的混合物水平。搅拌直至混合物几乎变热(约120°F),约90秒。从水中取出碗。用中高速的电动搅拌机将白色搅打至冷且浓稠,2至3分钟。降低到中等速度,加入黄油,1汤匙。一次,混合直到黄油完全合并。馅料应柔软而宽松; it will firm up as it chills. (If it seems very runny, refrigerate it for up to 20 minutes.) With the mixer on low speed, blend in the vanilla bean seeds, vanilla extract, and orange zest.

Fill and roll the roulade:

  • 小心地展开冷却的毛巾包裹的蛋糕。将馅料铺在蛋糕上,将其均匀地覆盖到边缘2英寸以内。重新滚动蛋糕,这次没有毛巾。填充物可能会稍微挤出一点。这可以。用箔纸在有边缘的烤盘上衬上,并在箔纸上放一个线架。将两个大金属铲子(或一个刮刀和您的手)滑到roulade下,然后将其转移到架子上。(或者,如果向前工作,将其转移到一大片塑料上,将其贴合,然后冷藏至一天;在玻璃上转移到架子上。)

Glaze the roulade

  • 用一个大平底锅,把奶油、糖、1/2cup of the water, and the cocoa. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer, whisking often, until very thick, like hot fudge sauce, 8 to 10 minutes from when the mixture began simmering. Pay close attention: This mixture boils over easily. Remove the pan from the heat. While the mixture is cooling, bloom the gelatin in the remaining 1-1/2 Tbs. of water. Melt the bloomed gelatin over very hot water or in the microwave. Whisk the gelatin into the chocolate mixture and strain the glaze through a medium sieve into a metal bowl. Let the glaze cool at room temperature until thick but still pourable, about 5 to 10 minutes; the glaze should be about 110° to 120°F. (If you’ve made the cake ahead, unwrap it and put it on a rack set over a foil-lined baking sheet.)

    Pour the glaze over the roulade, using an offset spatula to help the glaze cover the top and sides evenly. Don’t worry about covering the ends; they’ll be trimmed later. Refrigerate uncovered for at least 30 minutes or up to 4 hours.

Serve the roulade:

  • 釉会“glued” the roulade to the rack, so slide a metal spatula between it and the rack to release it. Transfer the roulade to a serving platter, using two large offset spatulas to get underneath and pressing the spatulas against the rack as you go. Trim the ends of the roulade. Fill a tall container with hot water and have a dishtowel handy so that you can clean and dry the knife after cutting each slice. Using a long, sharp knife, cut 3/4-inch straight slices, or cut pieces on an angle, rinsing and drying the knife after each slice. Garnish each slice with whipped cream and candied orange zest and serve.

Make Ahead Tips

You can make the cake and filling and assemble the roulade (without the glaze) a day ahead. Wrap the unglazed roulade with plastic, refrigerate it, and glaze it the next day. You can prepare the garnishes ahead, too, but whip the cream close to serving time.



Reviews (1 review)

  • Kathleen_G|01/03/2012

    海绵蛋糕的效果非常好,但是我对馅料并不感到兴奋。它没有像图片那样浮肿,并且有略带油腻的感觉。我使用了克莱门汀(Clementine Zest),而不是橙皮,柑橘味非常浓烈,有点过于酸性。

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