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凯特·西尔斯(Kate Sears)


Here’s a vegetarian twist on a classic, upscale Continental dish, which normally includes pricey filet mignon, pâté, and truffles. This version is inexpensive, easy (if somewhat time-consuming) to prepare, and meat-free. Rich red wine, earthy mushrooms, creamy herb-flecked goat cheese, sweet roasted beets, and flaky buttery crust meld in a harmonious, luxurious whole ideal for holidays and even weeknights. A velvety Pinot Noir sauce tops it off (though if you’re time-pressed, the dish is delicious without it).

This recipe is excerpted from整天无肉。阅读我们的审查


  • 1lb., 2 oz. beets
  • 2-1/4茶匙。犹太盐,分裂,并根据需要
  • 1/2茶匙不足。黑胡椒,分裂,并根据需要
  • 8 Tbs. (1 stick) unsalted butter, divided
  • 1/3 cup finely chopped shallots
  • 2磅Cremini蘑菇,被丢弃的茎和切碎的帽子
  • 8个小树枝新鲜百里香,与厨房系列绑在一起
  • 2-1/4杯黑比诺或红勃艮第酒,分开
  • 8盎司。新鲜的山羊奶酪,在室温下
  • 1/4 cup minced fresh chives, plus another 2 Tbs. for garnish, divided
  • 1heaping tsp. lemon zest
  • 约2汤匙。未漂白的全能面粉,用于与泡芙糕点面团合作,分裂
  • 一个14盎司。包装冷冻的泡芙糕点面团,例如Dufour,解冻
  • 1large egg beaten with 1 tsp. water for egg wash
  • 1/4杯干燥的野生蘑菇,封闭在带有厨房麻线的奶酪夹袋中
  • 1汤匙。arrowroot dissolved in 4 tsp. cold water
  • 1杯减少钠蔬菜汤
  • 1汤匙。砂糖或蜂蜜


  • 将烤箱加热到400°F。将甜菜包裹在铝箔中并烘烤,直到几乎没有煮熟为止,大约50分钟(您应该能够以大约1/2英寸的阻力戳叉子)。将烤箱温度降低至375°F。
  • When the beets are at room temperature, trim off their ends, peel, and slice into 1/2-inch-thick rounds (you should yield about 6 slices). Lay the slices on a large surface and season both sides evenly with a total of about a scant 1/2 tsp. salt and a pinch of pepper.
  • 同时,融化3汤匙。在12英寸的重,不粘锅中用中高火黄油。融化后,加入葱和炒至半透明和芳香,大约3分钟。加入蘑菇,百里香,1茶匙。盐和一大块胡椒粉和炒盐,直到蘑菇变软,所有液体都蒸发,大约13分钟。加入1/4杯葡萄酒,煮至所有液体蒸发,再加上大约7分钟。取出并丢弃百里香小树枝,将蘑菇放在一边,使其冷却至室温(您可以将它们冷冻约15分钟以加快此过程)。同时,将柔软的山羊奶酪与1/4杯的细香葱,Zest,1/4茶匙混合。盐和一大块胡椒。
  • 将大约一半的面粉撒在大的干净工作表面上。将泡芙糕点展开到表面上,两侧均匀而轻轻地面粉。小心地将其拉伸一点,以使其尺寸为12-1/2 x 12-1/2英寸正方形。在面团矩形的中心下方工作约5英寸(顶部和底部的每个约3英寸,两侧约4英寸),均匀地排列了一半的蘑菇混合物,然后是甜菜片,然后是奶酪混合物,然后是奶酪混合物,然后然后剩余的蘑菇混合物。将面团的两端折叠在蔬菜的边缘上覆盖。然后将面团的两侧折叠到中心,以将填充物完全封闭;形成均匀的矩形。小心地将填充的糕点转移到带有侧面的羊皮纸纸纸上。用鸡蛋洗涤刷糕点的顶部和侧面。 Refrigerate for 45 minutes to 2 hours.
  • 在375°F烤箱的中心烘烤,直到糕点变成金黄色,膨化时膨化,完全牢固,大约50分钟。静置,直到做酱汁。
  • 把剩下的两杯酒倒进一个小,重saucepan; place the dried mushroom sack into the wine and cook over high heat until the liquid is reduced by about half, about 16 minutes. Remove and discard the mushroom sack. Stir in the arrowroot-water mixture, the broth, sugar, the remaining 1/2 tsp. salt, and the remaining pepper; lower the heat to medium and simmer (do not boil) until thickened, about 6 minutes. Whisk in the remaining 5 Tbs. butter. Taste and adjust the seasonings if necessary (you should yield about 2 cups sauce).
  • Slice the Wellington, carefully transfer to a serving platter, and garnish with the remaining chives. Serve the sauce in a gravy boat alongside the pastry or spoon some atop each serving.

Make Ahead Tips



If you don’t like goat cheese, substitute boursin cheese for the seasoned goat cheese-zest-chive mixture.Make sure the fillings are dry and at room temperature or cold prior to filling the pastry, and chill the pastry after filling.




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