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Toffee-Chocolate Candy

Scott Phillips

Yield:Yields about 35 2-inch pieces


  • 6盎司。半甜巧克力,切碎
  • 6盎司。bittersweet chocolate, chopped
  • 8 oz. (1 cup) unsalted butter
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tsp. light corn syrup
  • 1/2 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped toasted pecans


  • Combine the two chocolates and set aside. Set a small bowl of water and a pastry brush next to the stove. In a heavy saucepan fitted with a candy thermometer, cook the butter, sugar, water, corn syrup, and salt over medium heat. Stir frequently with a wooden spoon until the butter melts and the sugar dissolves; then stir gently and only occasionally as the mixture approaches 300° F and begins to darken. Brush the sides of the pan down with a little water every once in a while to keep the sugar from crystallizing.
  • 当混合物达到300°F时(这可能需要18到20分钟),将锅从热量中取出,小心加入香草,然后用耐热橡胶刮刀搅拌,将混合物刮入金属9×11中- 烤盘放在架子上。倾斜锅,直到太妃糖均匀地覆盖锅底。让冷却2分钟。撒上切碎的巧克力,融化几分钟(盖上另一个烤盘以帮助它融化)。用刮刀将巧克力弄平(如果有的话,请使用狭窄的偏移铲),然后撒在山核桃上。
  • 让冷却(3至4小时),然后分解或切成碎片;使用金属刮刀或钝刀将太妃糖从锅里撬出来。为了帮助巧克力在温暖的日子里更快,请冷藏糖果。


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Reviews (7 reviews)

  • 用户-1119851|10/23/2012

    I have made this for a three years now. It is similar to something we would buy at a Thanksgiving Craft festival and pay $25 for a small bag! My girlfriend loves it and I couldn't believe I found the recipe in Fine Cooking! I usually make two batches, one with all milk chocolate, for Denise, and the other with bittersweet chocolate for our family! You can't go wrong! I suggest always making a double batch, it disappears quickly, and there are always teenagers around to help vacuum up the crumbs when it gets cut!

  • Bayba|12/11/2011

    Tried this recipe twice and both times the toffee didn't harden. Followed the recipe exactly, but no luck.

  • cammilla|2011年1月8日

    I made this a few nights before Christmas, late one evening after I finished wrapping gifts. It was the easiest thing I've done in a while. The toffee cooked exactly as described, and the only thing I added was some extra chocolate. No one could believe I made it!!! So...I didn't share. I would definately make this again. Yum!

  • lobsterwoman|12/28/2010

    This is the second year that I've made this and it turns out perfect and delicious everytime. I don't use a candy thermometer...I watch the mixture while it boils and when it turns the color of peanut butter, it's done. This recipe is so easy to make and everybody loves it. Perfect for gifts. Thank you! Linda


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