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Ask fanatical foodies about slow cookers, and most won’t respond with oohs and aahs. But the fact remains that over 80% of households in the United States have one, and we’re not afraid to say that we love ours to pieces. In fact, we love it so much that we wrote a whole book about it—美国伟大的慢炖锅书- 我们很高兴继续在这里传播这个词。

See a slideshowBruce和Mark的更多慢炖锅食谱。

如果您没有慢炖锅,您可能会想知道,爱什么?(如果您确实有一个,那么请随时跳过食谱。)好吧,慢炖锅几乎是市场上最好的炖工具,提供低煮熟的温度和慢速烹饪的温度,高效率的环境,并且ability to cook dinner while you’re out of the house (or running around it, doing other things).


读:What to Look For in a Slow Cooker

1. Dried herbs often work better than fresh.
2. Yes to fish, but at the end.
4. Crisp things up with your broiler.
5. Double down on the chiles.

Dried herbs often work better than fresh

We almost always prefer fresh herbs, but not when slow cooking. Dried herbs (and spices) are the way to go here. Their concentrated flavors and aromas bloom in the cooker’s high-moisture environment, whereas most fresh herbs yield a wan effect at best.

So with the exception of fresh rosemary, which does fine in a slow cooker, save the fresh herbs for adding at the end or as a garnish. And don’t forget: Dried herbs and spices have a shelf life of about a year at most. After that, they’re a bottle of dust—and nobody wants a dust-flavored dinner.


Fish and shellfish don’t do well in a slow cooker, as they tend to fall apart or turn to mush. Instead, use your slow cooker to do what it does best: build a complex sauce through long, even cooking. Then crank the heat to high and slip the fish or shellfish in for only as long as it takes to cook through. You can start the sauce in the morning, head out for the day, and pick up a piece of fresh fish on the way home. Add the fish to the slow cooker, pour a glass of wine, and dinner is practically done!





We’re not usually fans of slow cooker recipes that call for a lot of cooking before and after the actual slow cooking. (Isn’t making life easier the point of this machine?) But some foods, like chicken wings and pork ribs, warrant an exception. Slow cook them until the meat is almost falling-off-the-bone tender, then use the broiler to make them brown, crisp, and irresistible. It’s one additional step that’s well worth it.

Double down on the chiles

Very long cooking mutes capsaicin, the compound in chiles that makes them taste spicy, rendering them almost sweet and much less hot than if you cooked them for a short amount of time. If one canned chipotle in adobo sauce is usually your limit, you’ll probably want to use two or even three in your slow cooker. If you flame out after a teaspoon of Thai chile paste, use a tablespoon or more. Even black pepper is compromised over the long haul in a slow cooker.

Trust us: Add more than you think you should if you want to taste any chile heat at all.

Tips for Slow Cooker Success

• Don’t overfill the cooker. Half- to two-thirds full is best so moist air can circulate around the food.
• Lift the lid as little as possible. Modern slow cookers restabilize the internal temperature more quickly than old models, but peeking is still discouraged unless you think there’s a problem.
• Stir only when the recipe tells you to. For many recipes, the less action, the better.
• Thaw frozen ingredients. Unless the recipe specifically calls for frozen ingredients, you don’t want to waste time defrosting food that should be cooking.
• If your insert is ceramic, treat it gently. Abrupt temperature changes may cause it to crack, so set a hot insert on a kitchen towel or trivet instead of directly onto a cold kitchen counter.




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