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Meatloaf is my family’s favorite comfort food—that’s one thing we can agree on. What we can’t agree on is our favorite version. I like one with lots of spices, and my husband is partial to sausage and herbs. Dad is a traditionalist, which means beef, horseradish, and ketchup, and Mom goes for a leaner loaf made with turkey. Fortunately, my daughter likes everything I put in front of her. If your family is anything like mine, you’re in luck—this mix-and-match approach to meatloaf gives all of you a chance to choose your own ingredients. The key to a delicious meatloaf is striking the right balance between bread and meat, which creates the perfect texture. From there, just add the ingredients you love, brush the meatloaf with a glaze (or wrap it in bacon!), and soon you’ll have a tasty, satisfying dinner for friends and family—no disagreement there.

Master Meatloaf Recipe



2 Tbs. canola or olive oilin a 12-inch skillet over medium-low heat. Add1个切碎的中等黄色洋葱,,,,2个切碎的大蒜丁香,,,,and1cup total of any aromatic vegetables(可选;请参见下面的选择)并经常搅拌,直到变软并开始变成棕色6至8分钟。添加3/4 cup of your aromatic liquid(可选;请参见下面的选择),然后轻快地煮至几乎干燥,4至5分钟。转移到一个大碗中,冷却直至加热。


Carrots, small-diced

Celery, small-diced

Fennel, small-diced


Leeks, coarsely chopped

Bell peppers, small-diced

Choose one aromatic liquid (optional)

Red wine

White wine

Beer (stout, wheat, or Pilsner)

Dry sherry


4 oz. medium-coarse white bread例如意大利语,法国,葡萄牙语或酸面团(优选的陈旧,面包皮),大约2英寸。您应该有大约2-1/2杯。在将其单层固定的浅盘中,将面包浸入1cup of whole milk,翻转一次,直到湿润但不散开,5到10分钟,具体取决于面包的粗糙和新鲜度。一次轻轻挤压少量面包以除去一些牛奶。用煮熟的芳香剂切碎并加入碗中。


Position a rack in the center of the oven and heat the oven to 375°F.






Pork (1 lb. max)



Turkey (not 100% breast meat)

Mix the meatloaf

Scatter your choice ofmix-ins(请参阅下面的选项),herbs,,,,andspices(see options below) over the meat, and then sprinkle with1汤匙。伍斯特郡酱,,,,2-1/4茶匙。犹太盐,,,,and1/2茶匙。现磨黑胡椒. Use your hands to gently mix all the ingredients until just combined—try not to compact the mixture as you do this.

Choose up to 3 mix-ins (optional)


Grated Gruyere: 1/2 cup

Crumbled blue cheese: 1/4 cup

Crumbled feta: 1/4 cup

细磨碎的帕马诺 - 雷吉亚诺:1/2杯

Very coarsely chopped dried apricots: 1/3 cup

Very coarsely chopped dried figs: 1/3 cup

Very coarsely chopped raisins: 1/3 cup

Dried currants: 1/3 cup


Peeled, finely grated fresh ginger: 2 tsp.


Finely chopped jalapeno pepper: 1 heaping Tbs.


Rehydrated dried mushrooms, chopped: 1/4 cup


Finely grated lemon zest: 2 lightly packed tsp.

Finely grated lime zest: 2 lightly packed tsp.

Choose one or two herbs (optional) for 1/4 cup total

Chopped fresh parsley

Chopped fresh basil

Chopped fresh cilantro

Sliced fresh chives

(max 1 Tbs.)

Chopped fresh rosemary
(max 1 Tbs.)

Chopped fresh sage
(max 1 Tbs.)

Chopped fresh tarragon
(max 1 Tbs.)

(max 1 Tbs.)

(max 1 Tbs.)

(max 1 Tbs.)

Choose one or two spices (optional)

Crushed red pepper flakes: 1/2 tsp.

Coarsely chopped fennel seeds: 2 tsp.


Ground cinnamon:
1/4 tsp.

Hot chile powder, such as chipotle: 1/2 tsp.

Garam Masala:2茶匙。

Ground cumin: 2 tsp.


Ground allspice:

Mild chile powder, such as ancho: 1 Tbs.


1茶匙菜籽油in a small skillet over medium-low heat. Form 1 Tbs. of the meatloaf mixture into a small patty. When the oil is hot, cook the patty on both sides until cooked through, about 5 minutes total. Transfer to a plate and let cool slightly. Taste and adjust the salt, pepper, and other seasonings as needed. Repeat until satisfied with the flavor.


用羊皮纸将9×13英寸烤盘的底部排成一列。将肉饼混合物转移到烤盘中,并形成一个10×4英寸的矩形块(它在烹饪时变成面包形)。传播你的结束(see options below) over the top and lightly down the sides of the meatloaf (for bacon, lay strips diagonally across the loaf, overlapping slightly. Tuck the overhang under the meatloaf).









Reviews (3 reviews)

  • kitchenbitch|08/07/2021

    I have used this article many times since it was first printed in the magazine. I never liked meatloaf...until now. I absolutely love the variations and get raves when I serve it. I think using dried fruits makes a huge difference! I usually double the recipe and freeze smaller portions for two, (my husband and I). When those are gone, I try a different variation. It's never boring!

  • 用户avater

    出色的食谱制造商 - 我已经使用了两次,并制作了两种截然不同的肉饼,具体取决于当时的冰箱中的东西。我唯一的评论是,在375煮熟到160时花费了超过55分钟的时间。这两次都在烤箱里呆了大约一个半小时。另一件事将有助于在“制作自己的”文章上制作食谱笔记的能力……这样我就可以记住我使用的所有成分。亚搏手机版官方感谢FC将网站带回来...这是一个令人恐惧的几个月,没有我最喜欢的在线食谱!

  • 用户-7412361|12/30/2020

    Whooaaa !我怎么能成为第一个审稿人this method has been my go-to for years, ever since I saw it on the front cover of FC in line at the grocery store. I have made countless, mouthwatering variations since. I used to use the guidance, cut from the print magazine, when I assembled, but after a while it was looking pretty ratty, spattered with Worcestershire, maybe a bit of raw meat form lightly hand blending. I do mostly rely on my memory, but thought it was time for a reminder. Let your imagination go!!!! use some lamb & feta. Skip the ketchup (I hate ketchup: I use mustard, & a fruit jam). Gorgonzola & bison, pine nuts, leftover green beans that are in the fridge, rice. Let your taste bud preferences and inventiveness be your guide (and - oops, don't waste drop of your chosen aromatic liquid . Thank you FC, and, most of all, the author, for the best print edition of FC I ever purchased. (and, needless to say, friends are always asking me for "my recipe") Cheers!

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