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Lemony Artichoke & Caper Tuna Salad Sandwiches

Scott Phillips

屈服:Yields six sandwiches.


  • 1磅新鲜的金枪鱼菲特(我更喜欢Balacore)
  • 2-1 / 2杯超前橄榄油;如果需要,可以在烹饪过程中覆盖鱼
  • 1/4杯新鲜柠檬汁
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 14盎司可以水包装朝鲜蓟心,排水,冲洗,粗切碎
  • 2 Tbs. drained nonpareil capers, rinsed
  • 12 slices sourdough bread, lightly toasted
  • 1 ripe heirloom slicing tomato, cut into 6 slices
  • 6叶莴苣(如罗曼,红色叶子或波士顿),洗涤和干燥

Nutritional Information

  • Nutritional Sample Size based on six servings
  • Calories (kcal) : 584
  • 脂肪卡路里(kcal):158
  • Fat (g): 18
  • 饱和脂肪(g):3
  • Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 2
  • 单一饱和脂肪(g):12
  • Cholesterol (mg): 34
  • Sodium (mg): 1190
  • 碳水化合物(g):73
  • Fiber (g): 5
  • Protein (g): 31


  • Cut the tuna into even 3- to 4-inch pieces. In a deep saucepan, wide enough to hold a few tuna pieces without crowding and deep enough to contain the poaching oil without spilling when the tuna is submerged, heat the olive oil over medium heat until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the oil reaches 190°F. The oil should stay at or near this temperature during the cooking process, so you’ll need to monitor and adjust the intensity of the heat under the pan.
  • Rub the tuna with 1 Tbs. of the lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Carefully submerge as many pieces of the tuna as will fit in a single layer in the hot oil. The oil must cover the tuna, so add more oil if needed. Cook until the tuna turns pinkish gray on the outside and is slightly pink in the center (remove a piece of tuna with a slotted spatula or spoon and cut into it to check), 3 to 6 min. Remove the tuna from the oil and set on a platter to cool. Repeat the process as necessary to cook the remaining tuna. Don’t discard the poaching oil yet.
  • 当金枪鱼冷却到足以处理时,将其缩小到中碗中的小块。添加朝鲜蓟,刺柑,1/4杯的偷猎油,剩下的3汤匙。柠檬汁。(丢弃剩余的偷猎油。)季节,1茶匙。盐和几件辣椒或味道。轻轻折腾,让金枪鱼沙拉坐10分钟。在室温或在冰箱中过夜。在服用之前,带来室温并检查调味料。
  • 就在你离开野餐之前,或者当你到达你的野餐目的地时,在两片烤面包之间层,番茄叶,番茄沙拉和大约第六个金枪鱼沙拉(或者如果六分之一的沙拉似乎似乎对于面包片的大小太多)。重复制作六个三明治。用塑料包装良好运输或立即服务。


To quickly toast several slices of bread at once, use your broiler. Set the rack as close to the element as possible, arrange the bread in a single layer on a heavy-duty baking sheet, and toast both sides under the broiler. Watch carefully to avoid burning.


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Reviews (2 reviews)

  • gir1withaknife|02/19/2022

    I used the recipe as a jumping off point, with major modifications: used canned tuna, added chopped parsley, lemon zest, garlic granules and a bit of anchovy paste. Reduced the oil by a lot. Toast was brushed with olive oil and rubbed with garlic. Used arugula instead of lettuce. A great lunch. I would make it again and I don’t even like tuna salad!

  • 霍莉|06/11/2008

    I've been eyeing this recipe for years and I'm so glad I finally made it! It is delicious. I used an herb salad mix for the lettuce, and the cilantro inside it was really good with the lemon, capers, and artichokes. I will definitely make this again and again.

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