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Chile-Flavored Corn Tortillas (Tortillas de Maiz con Adobo)

屈服:about 16 tortillas

These reddish tortillas have an earthy flavor that I like with vegetable and breakfast tacos, where they contrast with the filling. Don’t use them for a dried-chile or adobo-flavored filling because it would be too much of the same thing.


For the adobo

  • 1盎司。Guajillo或Ancho Chiles,茎,播种,烤,浸泡在冷水中20分钟以软化
  • 1/2杯啤酒,新鲜的橙汁或水
  • 2 medium cloves garlic
  • 1茶匙苹果醋
  • 1/2茶匙。犹太盐
  • 1/4 tsp. ground cumin
  • 3 peppercorns

For the tortillas

  • 2 cups instant corn masa flour or masa harina; more as needed
  • 1/2茶匙。犹太盐
  • 1-1/4 cups warm water; more as needed


Make the adobo

  • Combine the chiles, beer, garlic, vinegar, salt, cumin, peppercorns, and a pinch of sugar in a blender. Purée until smooth. Store in the refrigerator in a covered container for up to 5 days.


  • In a large bowl, combine the flour and salt. In a medium bowl, stir together the water and 1/3 cup adobo, and then add to the flour mixture. Mix with a silicone spatula to form a uniform dough that can be kneaded by hand, 1 to 2 minutes. The dough should be moist, but firm enough to form into a ball; a small piece of dough squeezed between your fingers should stay together and not crumble. If necessary, adjust the consistency of the dough by kneading in water (up to 1/2 cup added 1 Tbs. at a time) or flour. The dough will dry as it sits, so cover it with a piece of plastic wrap as you work.
  • Heat a griddle, comal, or cast-iron skillet over medium heat until hot, about 2 minutes.
  • 修剪顶部和侧面,从塑料拉链顶袋子上面,将其放在玉米饼中,将袋子的折叠端安装在压力机的铰链上。或者,使用两块羊皮纸。
  • Pinch off about 1 oz. of dough and form it into a scant 11/2-inch ball. Place the ball of dough in the center of the press between the sheets of plastic, and firmly press down on the handle. If the tortilla is uneven, rotate it in the press 180 degrees and press again. Then remove the tortilla from the press, leaving the plastic behind and finish rolling it by hand until the tortilla is 5-1/2 inches in diameter.
  • Transfer the tortilla to the griddle by first letting a dangling edge touch the griddle and then slowly pulling your hand back as you lay the tortilla down. (This will take a little practice, but this method ensures that the tortillas lie flat while cooking.)
  • 煮至边缘从烤架稍微抬起,约15秒钟。用刮刀抬起边缘,然后用手指抓住它以将其翻转。煮至底面有几个浅棕色斑点,大约45秒。
  • Flip the tortilla again. Cook until it inflates slightly (this doesn’t always happen) and light brown spots appear on the second side, about 30 seconds. Transfer the tortilla to a cloth-lined tortilla basket to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining dough.


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