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August/September 2018


Nothing says summer quite like sweet corn. And while we’d never argue with a freshly picked ear of corn hot off the grill, there are plenty of other ways to…


  • 素食夏季晚餐

    Celebrate summer vegetables at their peak of perfection

  • Spotlight on Lobster


  • Icebox Desserts


    When you can’t stand the heat but still need a treat, try one of these no-bake desserts, and let the fridge do the work.

  • S'mores冰箱蛋糕

    S'mores冰箱蛋糕for a Crowd

    Campfire Classic变成了凉爽,奶油派对的甜点,配以Graham-cracker Crust,巧克力布丁和烤7分钟的“棉花糖”浇头。

  • taco cooking school


    在农场烹饪学校的墨西哥烹饪大师雪莱·怀斯曼(Shelley Wiseman)上课

  • taco party menu


    在新泽西州泰特斯维尔的农场烹饪学校的雪莱·怀斯曼(Shelley Wiseman)自制玉米饼班的启发下,此菜单将新鲜的玉米和面粉玉米饼与自制莎莎(Salsas)和一些有创造力的菜单配对。

  • 甜菜啤酒冰沙碗

    This beautiful red bowl packs a nutritional punch with help from the beets, hemp seeds, and yogurt. If you don’t like the texture of raw beets, steam them before adding…

  • 胡萝卜姜黄冰沙

    Golden Smoothie

    This bright smoothie is the perfect morning pick-me-up with help from the turmeric and ginger. Carrot juice can be used in place of the shredded carrots—simply add a few more…

  • Peanut Butter-Banana Smoothie

    This classic smoothie has all the perfect breakfast items blended into the perfect drink. Try it with almond or sunflower butter instead of peanut butter.

  • 绿色动力冰沙

    This classic green smoothie balances the power of spinach and chia seeds with the sweetness of grapes and apples. If your grapes aren’t frozen when you add them, add three…

  • 芒果菠萝冰沙碗


    Soaked cashews make this smoothie bowl extra creamy and lend a bit of protein. Look for coconut milk with the nondairy milks at the grocery store, either refrigerated or unrefrigerated.

  • 土豆沙拉


  • Layered Summer Salad

    Layered Summer Salad


  • 南瓜,韭菜和菠菜


    多年来,我做了许多普罗旺斯的“ tians”或分层的夏季蔬菜的绿色,它们始终是人群的最爱。我喜欢这个版本:西葫芦和夏季南瓜,与…分层…

  • 意大利面菜肉馅煎蛋饼,韭菜,芝麻菜,山羊奶酪和薄荷

    我学会了在罗德岛普罗维登斯的Al Forno餐厅的第一份烹饪工作中制作菜肉馅煎蛋饼。我们总是将意大利面放入其中,再加上很多新鲜的草药,好…

  • Grilled Peaches with Ice Cream

    Grilled Peaches with Maple-Cardamom Butter and Ginger Ice Cream


  • Lobster rolls with dill

    Lobster Rolls with Fresh Dill

    纽约市果酱的姜皮尔斯(Ginger Pierce)和普雷斯顿·麦德森(Preston Madson)通过使用完美的面包和足够的成分来调味缅因州龙虾的味道……亚搏手机版官方

  • 偷猎龙虾

    龙虾在Gewürztraminer和Pear Nectar中偷猎

    This impressive starter from culinary instructor Emily Peterson is neither difficult nor time-consuming. If serving as a main course, rice makes a great side. Two tips: Add enough salt to…

  • 龙虾本尼迪克特

    认为本尼迪克特卵是decade废了吗?等到您从波士顿Townsman Restaurant的Matt Jennings品尝以龙虾为中心的版本。

  • corn tortillas

    Corn Tortillas (Tortillas de Maiz)

    The trick to making tortillas is to get a rhythm going so that you can make more than one at a time, though at the beginning you may want to…

  • Flour Tortillas (Tortillas de Harina)

    Flour tortillas are from Northern Mexico, where a wheat culture replaces the corn culture of the country’s central and southern regions. If necessary, reheat the tortillas on a griddle for…

  • Fresh Tomatillo Salsa

    Fresh Tomatillo Salsa

  • 烤番茄萨尔萨酱

  • 煮熟的番茄莎莎

  • 烤鸡肉和烧焦的炸玉米饼

    Chicken breast might be everyone’s poultry go-to, but thighs are arguably more delicious: meaty, sturdy, and perfect for grilling. The rich, tender meat is fabulous with grilled onions and spicy…

  • 炸虾和鳄梨炸玉米饼

    Beer-Fried Shrimp and Avocado Tacos


  • Corn, Tomato, and Scallion Tacos



  • Thai Corn and Shrimp Salad

    夏玉米烧焦的创建一个烟雾缭绕的完美形式balance of flavors with sweet mango and pineapple. While the pineapple and shrimp are delicious together, don’t wait too long to eat…

  • Corn Chowder Salad

    Corn Chowder Salad


  • 玉米和法罗沙拉



  • 无烤杏仁芝士蛋糕和樱桃



  • 塔希尼巧克力冰盒蛋糕


  • Blueberry Lavender Fool


  • 生姜冰淇淋


    An infusion of fresh ginger makes this rich ice cream feel deceptively light and refreshing.

  • Truffled Lobster Macaroni and Cheese


  • 工匠吐司酒吧


    Inviting guests to create their own custom toasts is a great way to get a party started. Prepare toppings ahead of time (some can be prepped up to 5 days…



  • 基本米饭



  • 书评:优越汉堡食谱

    Superiority Burger Cookbook The Vegetarian Hamburger Is Now Delicious By Brooks Headley (W.W. Norton & Company) Not so very long ago, chef Brooks Headley cooked up something extraordinary at his…

  • 生涩的食谱

    Book Review: Jerky

    泰勒·博蒂切尔(Taylor Boetticher)和托普尼亚·米勒(Toponia Miller)的《肥胖小牛指南》(Calf Calf Calf Calf Calf Calf Cal)保存和烹饪干肉类商品(十速出版社; 22美元),没有任何露营旅行,没有藏匿处……

  • 果酱会话食谱


    JAM会议乔伊斯·戈德斯坦(Lorena Jones Books; $ 24.99)的一本水果保养手册可能会激发人们对保存的热情:富裕的花园,野心,好奇心,节俭。对我来说,这是怀旧的。保存…


  • 健康的早餐冰沙和碗

    Smoothies tend to be the answer when you're looking for a quick, on-the-go breakfast or the perfect kid-approved snack. Having a few smoothie recipes in your cooking arsenal ensures that…



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