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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)





For the pie dough.

  • 10盎司。(2-1/4杯)通用面粉
  • 1/2茶匙。食盐
  • 1/2茶匙。砂糖
  • 7 oz. (14 Tbs.) cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 1-1/2盎司。(3汤匙)冷蔬菜缩短,切成1/2英寸的碎片
  • 3汤匙。ice-cold water


  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4杯砂糖
  • 1cup (about 6 oz.) dried tart cherries


  • 2-1/2 to 3 lb. (about 7) firm, tart apples (like Cortland, Jonagold, or Sierra Gold), peeled, cored, and cut into 1/3-inch slices (about 7 cups)
  • 7至8汤匙。砂糖
  • 3汤匙。多用途面粉
  • 1tsp. ground cinnamon


  • 1个蛋黄,殴打
  • 1/4杯重奶油或牛奶



  • 在立式搅拌机或搅拌碗中搅拌面粉,盐和糖。在立式搅拌机中(使用桨叶附件,并从中等速度逐渐增加),或者用糕点搅拌器手动在碗中逐渐增加,将黄油切成面粉,直到黄油开始分成较小的碎片。切成缩短,直到两种脂肪的最大碎片都是豌豆的大小。搅拌机运行后,撒在水中并混合直到面团齐聚在一起。应该有一些可见的黄油。将面团切成两半(每块应为9-1/2盎司),每一半将一半拍打成平盘,用塑料包裹,然后冷藏至少1小时。


  • 将水和糖混合在一个小锅中,煮沸,加入干樱桃,然后小火煮3分钟。排干樱桃,然后冷却前。(将偷猎液保存在冰淇淋上毛毛雨。)

Assemble the pie:

  • 从冰箱中取下两个面团,让它们热身直至柔韧,大约15分钟。拆开面团,将其放在略微面粉的工作表面上。在滚动销的情况下,每个磁盘都会滚动到11到12英寸的圆形大约1/8英寸厚。每隔几次滚动销后,在面团下方运行一个长凳刮刀,以确保其不粘(以防止撕裂),在其下方撒更多的面粉,然后继续滚动。将一轮悬挂在9英寸的派锅中,将其轻轻安装在锅的轮廓上。让面团休息1至2分钟。(这将有助于防止外壳在烘烤过程中缩小),然后修剪边缘,在锅的边缘上悬挂约1/2英寸。
  • 用糖,面粉,肉桂和荷包樱桃扔苹果。将水果倒入馅饼外壳中,然后用手掌将其均匀排列。(这将使苹果无法在顶部地壳中戳孔。)
  • 将顶层悬挂在馅饼上。将顶部外壳的边缘缩小到与底部相同的大小。将两个修剪的边缘折叠在一起和下面,使它们放在馅饼锅的边缘上,并形成一个高的边缘。装饰边缘,但请确保将底部和顶部的外壳密封在边缘。通过在几个地方戳破削皮刀的尖端来排放顶部。(重要的是要在烘烤过程中畅通无阻,否则水果可能会在糕点上爆炸。)您可以通过在上面追踪图案,然后用刀尖戳许多小孔来制作有吸引力的设计。
  • 将烤箱架放在底部的梯级上。用箔纸将重边缘烤板衬上,然后将其放在架子上。将烤箱加热到350°F。
  • In a small bowl, whisk the egg yolk with the milk or cream. Brush the top of the pie with the egg glaze (you won’t need to use all of it). Repierce the steam vents if they get clogged with the glaze. Bake on the heated baking sheet until the pastry is a deep golden and the juices are bubbling, about 1-1/2 hours. If the edges start to get too dark, loosely drape foil around the sides or cover the edges with a pie guard. Let cool on a rack to room temperature and then serve.

Make Ahead Tips





  • Sfaber83|11/21/2016

    I love this pie! I have made it several times now, and each time my guests say it is the best apple pie they have ever had. (Enough said!)

  • Gaiusgracchus|2016年10月16日

    这有可能成为一个伟大的pie.——第一, putting the pie at the bottom of the oven did not work for us. It needs to brown on the top. So I ended up overcooking it due to waiting for it to brown. Had to finally use the broiler.My mother who is one of the finest Southern cooks you could possibly imagine (yes, legendary), says she puts hers in the middle or towards the top of the oven and hers always browns.----Second, the apple slices would be less likely to be mushy or overcook in any case if cut to 1/2 inch instead of 1/3. (We used Granny Smith).----Third, the amount of sugar in the crust is WAY too low. Note the classic pie crust on FineCooking asks for a tablespoon of sugar in the pie crust. I would say that or at least 2 teaspoons. This author only has 1/2 teaspoon in her crust. Tried that and it really was not so good.----Last, we tossed a pinch of salt into the filling for depth of flavor.----Other than that, it would be a fine recipe. The cherries do add a great dimension to the pie.

  • Jason123|06/02/2009

    This is an outstanding pie. The crust was rich and flaky and the dried cherries gave it depth of flavour and a delicious tangyness. This is now my new apple pie.

  • im_genia|2008年1月6日

    So very yummy! I used granny smith apples to make this, and the combination of dried sour cherries and apples was just completely addictive. The buttery crust was a perfect encasement for such a luscious combination. I recommend keeping an eye on your pie if you are not planning on freezing it. I made mine and baked it right away, and having it in a pyrex pie plate made it easy to monitor crust colour. I served this pie at room temperature and the flavours were wonderfully melded together and the pie slices held together beautifully. For my own preferences, I topped the pie filling with about 1 1/2 tbs. of butter, broken up, before applying the top crust. I would recommend this pie to anyone who wants to change things up a bit. Thank you for such a great recipe!

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