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Sweet Bell Peppers

Roasting brings out the best in these colorful vegetables

Fine Cooking Issue 72
Photos: Scott Phillips
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Position an oven rack to 6 to 7 inches below the broiler element and heat the broiler. Put the whole peppers on a baking sheet and broil until the skins are blistered and blackened, about 5 minutes. Turn carefully with tongs to expose an uncooked side and broil again until blackened. Repeat until the peppers are charred on all sides. Transfer them to a large bowl, cover the bowl with a dinner plate, and let the peppers steam for at least 15 to 20 minutes or until cool.


Peel off the pepper skin with a wet hand. By moistening your hand, rather than the pepper, with running water, you won’t wash away the pepper’s sweet flavor.

Fun appetizers with roasted peppers


  • warmed goat cheese and diced or sliced roasted pepper.
  • 罗勒叶,烤辣椒和毛毛雨。
  • tapenade or chopped sautéed mushrooms and a strip of roasted pepper.

Use the cavity of tender inner romaine leaves or Belgian endive leaves as a cup to hold a mixture of diced red peppers, chickpeas, crumbled feta, and lemon juice. Grind on some black pepper and set a strip of roasted pepper on top.



Cooking with roasted peppers


为一个三明治with a kick, spread a wrap with horseradish mayonnaise, top with thin slices of grilled beef or lamb, thick slices of roasted pepper, and tender romaine lettuce leaves, and roll up. For entertaining, slice the wrap crosswise into wide wheels and secure with toothpicks.

使用烤辣椒,切成丁的土豆,炒蘑菇和洋葱,然后将培根作为丰盛的培根作为基础frittata。Top with grated cheese.

Roasted peppers make a delicious。Simmer them with chicken broth, a chopped tomato, a pinch of saffron or a spoonful of grated ginger, perhaps some grated orange zest, and salt and pepper. Purée in a blender, adjust the seasonings, and serve at room temperature or chilled for a sweet pepper version of gazpacho.

丰富而充满活力面食酱, purée roasted peppers with sautéed onion and garlic, and then thin the sauce with broth and a bit of cream. Toss with cooked pasta and garnish with toasted pine nuts, grated Parmigiano Reggiano, and chopped tenderherbs.

Use roasted peppers to make a罗姆斯科风格的酱汁。泥泥几个烤胡椒,少数几个烤杏仁或榛子,一个浸泡在热水中的辣椒,几丁香大蒜,大量的辣椒粉,大量的辣椒橄榄油以产生类似香蒜酱的稠度。用作生蔬菜的蘸酱,作为意大利面或大米的酱汁,或用作烤蔬菜或肉的装饰。

Four weeknight ideas for peppers

烘烤一个夏天gratinwith rings of sweet pepper, sliced summer squash, and sliced tomato. Season with salt, pepper, and chopped marjoram. Drizzle with olive oil and top with grated Parmigiano Reggiano and a scattering of breadcrumbs. Bake in a moderate oven until the vegetables are tender and lightly browned and the juices are bubbling.

Make a traditionalratatouille通过在橄榄油中炒大辣椒,茄子,番茄,西葫芦和洋葱。轻轻煮熟,覆盖,直到所有蔬菜变软,然后搅拌少量撕裂或切碎的罗勒。结束柠檬汁。

为一个n easy and deliciousside dish, combine slivered peppers and onions in a baking dish, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and tuck in several thyme sprigs. Roast until the vegetables are tender, limp, and darkened in places. Leftovers make a great topping for pizza or focaccia or a delicious addition to an omelet or sandwich.






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