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How to Make Pastrami

The guys behind Wise Sons deli share their recipe for tender, smoky homemade pastrami.

June/July 2015 Issue
照片:Scott Phillips
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There are a handful of iconic dishes that define a classic Jewish deli—chopped liver, matzo ball soup, a crisp kosher dill that breaks with an audible snap—but none quite as important as pastrami. “Pastrami is the pillar,” says Evan Bloom, who along with Leo Beckerman is cofounder of Wise Sons Jewish Delicatessen in San Francisco. “No one cares if the bread is lousy or the potato salad comes from a jar. They just want the pastrami.”

Get the recipe:自制五香熏牛肉

That’s why all of the pastrami sold at Wise Sons’s three locations—their sit-down space in the Mission District, their outpost in the city’s Contemporary Jewish Museum, and their regular spot at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market—is made in house (as are their excellent rye bread and potato salad, for the record). That may not sound like a big deal unless you know that some of the most famous delis in the country don’t make their own. But for Beckerman and Bloom, who have been cooking together since 2003 when as students they hosted barbecues at UC Berkeley’s Jewish student center, the idea for crafting the perfect pastrami came before they even decided to open a deli together. In fact, it was why they did.



According to Bloom, good pastrami should be fatty. It shouldn’t be stringy or chewy, but so tender that it falls apart in your mouth. It’s salty and sweet, and you should be able to taste the pepper, the coriander, and the smoke. “A lot of people taste our pastrami and don’t quite get it at first,” says Bloom. “They don’t realize that they’re tasting real smoke.”

当客户在Wise Sons下订购糕点三明治时,肉类已经完全煮熟,但可以手工切成薄片并蒸以订购。布卢姆说:“我们对熟食店应该有一个理想的观念。”“这包括一个热三明治,手工切成薄片,并在您可以看到的地方制造。”

For those who live in San Francisco, Wise Sons pastrami is easy to find—they even deliver. The good news for the rest of us is that Beckerman and Bloom were happy to share their recipe here. Will your pastrami taste exactly like theirs? Likely not. But even their pastrami doesn’t taste exactly the same every time they make it. “Ours is handmade,” they stress, “so there’s a lot of variation in the finished product.” The only thing that doesn’t change, however, is just how good it is.

Leo Beckerman(左)和旧金山犹太人熟食店的联合创始人Evan Bloom。


On the Wise Sons deli menu, pastrami appears more than a dozen times. TheRoasted Cabbage Wedge SaladPastrami-Kimchi Reubenare two dishes that showcase it. Here are a few more of their customers’ favorites (try not to drool):

  • 五香熏鸡蛋和鸡蛋柔软的炒鸡蛋与焦糖洋葱和小块的五香熏鸡肉混合在一起。当然,配黑麦吐司。
  • 熟食店一个用30%的糕点制成的汉堡,配以70%的碎牛肉,上面撒上甜菜 - 毛的酱,芥末酱,生菜和红洋葱。在鸡蛋面包上服役。
  • 糕点奶酪薯条烤薯条,上面放有切碎的五香熏牛肉,瑞士奶酪贝加梅尔,焦糖洋葱,俄罗斯调味料和咸菜。
  • Semite Sandwich Crisppastrami, Swiss cheese, mustard, and a fried egg on rye, served with a pickle.


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