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法罗与烤波特贝洛斯的香脂摩西乳酪 - 烤葱和葡萄

Annabelle Breakey



此食谱摘自新鲜和绿色的桌子. Read our审查.


  • 6 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra for greasing the baking dishes
  • 2汤匙。香醋
  • 2茶匙。蜂蜜
  • 1汤匙。切碎的新鲜迷迭香,加4个小树枝装饰
  • 2茶匙。蒜末
  • Kosher salt
  • 2 cups large, plump seedless red grapes
  • 4个大葱,剥皮,一半,将纵向切成3/8至1/2英寸宽的切片
  • 4个大型Portobello蘑菇(大约4盎司的茎),茎,ill刮出勺子
  • 1杯半吊钩法罗


  • Preheat the oven to 425°F. In a glass liquid measure or glass jar, combine 6 Tbs. of the olive oil, the vinegar, the honey, 2 tsp. of the rosemary, the garlic, and 1/2 tsp salt. Whisk or shake well to combine.
  • Rub a shallow 11-by-7-inch baking dish with olive oil and combine the grapes and the shallots and season with a big pinch of salt. Rub a 13-by-9-inch baking dish with olive oil and arrange the portobello caps, stem-side up, in a single layer and season each cap with a pinch of salt. Pour 1 Tbs. of the dressing inside and around the edges of each of the mushroom caps (for a total of 4 Tbs.). Let the mushrooms marinate for 20 minutes.
  • 毛毛雨2汤匙。在葡萄和葱上的调味料,然后折腾。(保留剩余的敷料。)烤葡萄和葱,搅拌一次或两次,直至柔软变褐色,约40分钟。(锅底的液体将有些糖浆。)
  • Meanwhile, fill a large pasta pot three-quarters full of water and bring to a boil. Rinse the farro in a colander. Add 1 tsp. salt and the farro to the boiling water and cook at a rapid simmer or low boil, partially covered, until the grains are tender (they will look “popped”), about 30 minutes. Drain in a colander, return to the pot (off the heat), and cover to keep warm.
  • 当葡萄和葱烘烤20分钟时,将Portobello帽放在烤箱中,烘烤20分钟。(蘑菇的边缘可能已经扁平;它们会损失一些体积;液体可能在它们的顶部冒泡。底部也将是棕色的,并且会煮熟。)
  • Transfer each of the mushroom caps, keeping them stem-side up, to an individual warm plate or a warm platter. (If there are any juices remaining in the pan, drizzle them over the mushrooms.) Transfer the farro to a medium mixing bowl and season it with 1/4 tsp. salt. Stir in the roasted grapes and shallots (be sure to scrape out all of the pan juices), the remaining 1 tsp. rosemary, and 1 to 2 Tbs. of the remaining dressing. Taste and season with more salt, if necessary. Spoon the mixture evenly over each of the mushrooms. (For a nicer presentation, use a smaller amount of the farro mixture and mound it completely in the center of the mushroom with just the edges of the mushroom peeking out and the rosemary sprig leaning against the mound. You’ll have extra farro, but it reheats well.) Garnish each serving with a rosemary sprig and serve right away.



Like barley, farro is often “pearled” (or “semipearled”) to remove the outer husk. Look for semipearled, which cooks in about 30 minutes. Fully pearled farro will cook more quickly; farro that isn’t pearled at all will need about 50 minutes.


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评论(4 reviews)

  • Krispie|03/23/2018

    This was delicious. I would cut back on the salt a bit - I was generous and it was a bit more salty than I like. We added a little bit of goat cheese on top based on other reviewers and it was fantastic. This would be a great side dish with with a small steak. I will definately make this again and soon!

  • 蓝皮|05/27/2013

    Great vegetarian recipe. Made it last night with crumbled goat cheese, which helped balance out sweetness.

  • localempa|04/29/2013

    Excellent recipe!

  • Jobyres|04/12/2013

    My husband loves mushrooms, so when I saw this recipe I wanted to make it for him. We both loved it, the combination of flavours was delicious. The juices from the balsamic, garlic and rosemary blended with the farro and made each bite divine. I was a little wary of the roasted grapes, but mixed with the shallots they really added an element of surprise to the dish. This is a healthy dish that is the perfect light dinner. I will make over and over again!I'm also going to make this as an appy using small mushrooms sometime soon.i



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