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Fruit Crisp Recipe: Create Your Own

Individual crisps make serving a breeze. Just tuck the fruit into small ramekins, sprinkle on a topping, and bake for a-shorter time.Scott Phillips

如果曾经有一位在甜点世界中获得宽敞的压力奖的Surefire候选人,那将是谦虚的水果脆皮。夏季和冬季同样吸引人的水果酥脆是最后一分钟的派对主持人最好的朋友。只需切成我最喜欢的果实的水果,就是桃子,李子,油桃,苹果,梨,杏子,樱桃,樱桃和浆果,柠檬汁,糖和调味料,滑入烤盘中,然后快速撒上一口- 弄碎的馅料。将其弹出在烤箱中,在不到一个小时的时间内,甜点就准备好了,您的房屋充满了水果,黄油,糖和香料的香气。没有滚动,寒冷,吹牛或玻璃无休止的称赞和许多满意的客人。一勺香草冰淇淋尚未找到更有意义的关系。

As simple as crisps are, they’re also tremendously flexible. Almost any fruit that works in a pie will work in a crisp. You can be creative, pairing peaches with ginger, for example. Or you can be a minimalist, using nothing more than fresh fruit, lemon juice, and a classic crumb topping. The formula stays the same no matter which way you go, as you’ll see in the method below. Glance over it and you’ll realize you don’t need a formal recipe to make a crisp, just a bowl of ripe fruit for inspiration.

Master Fruit Crisp Recipe

Serves 8



Combine1 cup all-purpose flour,1/2杯包装的深棕色糖,1/4杯砂糖, apinch of table salt,1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon(可选)或1/8 tsp. grated or ground nutmeg(optional) in a medium bowl. With your fingertips, rub in8 Tbs. slightly softened unsalted butter将其切成碎片,直到混合在一起,混合物碎石碎。当您捏住它时,它应该保持在一起。如果您愿意,请混合其中一种浇头加载(请参阅下面的选项)。冷藏浇头,直到准备使用。

Choose one topping add-in (optional)


Cornmeal: 1/4 cup

1/3 cup

1/3 cup

Chopped hazelnuts:
1/3 cup

Sliced almonds:
1/3 cup

Prepare the fruit

Fruits that are in season together make great combinations; think of Bing cherries and apricots in early summer, peaches and berries at summer’s height, and apples and pears in fall and winter. Berries, cherries, and rhubarb, work best when they’re used in combination, either with one another or with other fruit. They’re either too tart or mushy to use on their own.

Cut your chosen fruit (see options below) into even-size pieces: 1/2-inch pieces for firmer fruit, 3/4-inch pieces for tender fruit. You want a total of6 cups of fruit


Apples, peeled and cored

Pears, peeled and cored

Peaches, pitted


Plums, pitted


草莓,是, cored, and quartered or halved

Cherries, stemmed and pitted




Taste the fruit and sprinkle on2汤匙到1/3杯糖。For less ripe or tart fruit (like rhubarb) use more sugar; for sweet, ripe fruit, use less.

In a small dish, dissolve your玉米淀粉in1汤匙。柠檬汁。玉米淀粉的量取决于您选择的水果:1茶匙。对于像苹果和梨这样的密集水果,1汤匙。用于诸如浆果和2汤匙的多汁水果。对于大黄。将玉米淀粉泥倒在水果上。

Add optional flavorings


Gently toss your chosen flavorings into the fruit.

Choose one or two flavorings (optional)

Grated orange zest: 1 to 2 tsp.

Grated lemon zest: 1 to 2 tsp.

Ground cinnamon: 1/2 tsp.



Vanilla: 1 tsp. extract or the seeds from 2 inches of a vanilla bean

Almond extract: 1/2 tsp.


Dried cranberries: 1/2 cup soaked in hot water for 10 minutes and drained


Bake the crisp




Crisps are best served the same day they’re made, as the topping tends to absorb the fruit’s juices and become soggy. If you fancy it for breakfast, however, you can reheat day-old crisp in a 400°F oven.


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  • JoanTheDogCoach| 12/25/2019


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