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Fine Cooking Issue 106
Photos: Scott Phillips
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Like a Swiss Army knife, a blender is expected to do just about everything, from blending soups and sauces to making nut butters and mayonnaise. Fortunately, today’s designs have kept up with the demanding cook and can accomplish more than ever. Some offer pre-programmed options to make the perfect smoothie, while others have serrated blades for quick ice-crushing. The best-designed blenders offer these new technologies in intuitive, easy-to-use formats and combine simple function with superior performance. Here are our favorites, across the price range.


Hamilton Beach Smooth Pour
$ 45 AThamiltonbeach.com



Breville Ikon Hemisphere,BBL550XL
$ 150 ATbrevilleusa.com

Ikon Hemisphere提供创意设计和工程。带有圆形投手底部的圆柱形轮廓意味着食物不会被困在拐角处。它具有五个设置(加脉冲)。它的混合设置使鹰嘴豆泥保持叶片范围,在不到一分钟的时间内产生光滑的泥泥,而其锯齿状的叶片的功能足以将半冰球的冰块粉碎成30秒的雪中。51盎司的玻璃水罐上放上贴合的橡胶盖,可轻松使用其方便的环。Ikon的平面按钮意味着快速简便清洁。提供一年保修。


Cuisinart PowerEdge 700
$ 270 ATmacys.com

With fewer but “smarter” buttons that coincide with common kitchen tasks, Cuisinart’s PowerEdge consistently delivers superb performance. Timed settings create perfect cocktail ice and smoothies: The ice crush function pulses on and off automatically for ideal texture, while the smoothie program switches off after 30 seconds. The blender has four settings (plus high, low, and pulse), with a high setting powerful enough to grind coffee beans to espresso powder in 25 seconds, and a low setting that keeps thick mixtures in contact with the blades. At 56 ounces, the blender’s glass pitcher is bigger than most and comes with a well-designed, removable, die-cast base. It has a three-year warranty.

The splurge

$600 atsurlatable.com

Professional chefs view the high price tag of their Vitamix blenders as an investment rather than an expense, and those who look for restaurant-grade kitchen equipment will, too. With stainless-steel, laser-cut blades, a powerful motor, and a durable 64-ounce polycarbonate pitcher, this blender is up for any kitchen challenge. It chops nuts into uniform bits with just three pulses, incorporates entire parsley stems into thick hummus, and purées sesame seeds. But while more power is good, control is even better. A single dial controls the Vitamix’s ten speeds and various cycles. Its pulse option slows any setting, preventing the overflow of hot liquid and keeping thick mixtures in contact with the blades. Using a combination of settings to make a smoothie, the motor begins slowly, speeds up to medium, and finishes at high speed to produce a velvety drink. Another great feature? The Vitamix heats food, too. When it’s set to the hot-soup option, the blades create enough friction to warm purées to serving temperature. A full seven-year warranty is offered.


周期和速度Choose a blender with the right speeds—more isn’t necessarily better. Low speeds and pulse settings are useful for keeping ingredients within blades’ reach. Multispeed cycles offer combinations of slow speeds, pulses, pauses, and high speeds.


CapacityForty ounces is a standard-size blender pitcher. Those that are more than 50 ounces can purée a large amount of soup all at once and hold enough daiquiris for a crowd.




How We Tested

We selected 14 full-size, multispeed countertop blenders and evaluated their power, versatility, construction, features, and speeds. To do so, we put them through the following tests:

• By puréeing hummus with whole sesame seeds, we gauged how smooth and consistent a paste each blender could produce.





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