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Homemade Thai Curry Paste

Fine Cooking Issue 89
Photo: Scott Phillips
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For many cooks (those not living in Southeast Asia, anyway), the hardest part about making泰国咖喱酱is finding a few of the ingredients. Some of what you need is waiting for you at your supermarket, but for the ingredients below, you may need to visit an Asian market.

A. Lemongrass (tah krai):With a floral lemony scent and a delicate citrus-like flavor, lemongrass shows off in a wide array of Thai dishes. It’s standard in curry pastes and valued in traditional medicines as well. It’s becoming more mainstream, so some supermarkets carry it, but Asian markets are a better bet for the freshest lemongrass. Look for sturdy, fibrous, pale-green stalks. To use, trim away the top portion of each stalk, leaving a 4-inch-long section, including the base. Pull off any dry, tired outer leaves before chopping or slicing as needed. To keep lemongrass fresh, wrap stalks loosely in a plastic bag and refrigerate them for five to seven days. To freeze lemongrass, trim the tops, wrap well to make them airtight, and freeze for up to six weeks. Use directly from the freezer without thawing. Avoid dried and powdered lemongrass, as they retain none of the flavor or aroma you need.

No Asian market in your area? you can order many of these ingredients online atTempleOfThai.com

B. Galangal ():这位姜的堂兄因其在汤中的非凡柑橘味和咖喱酱中的草药爆发而受到珍视。其颜色以新鲜的形式从精致的象牙到温暖的棕色,具体取决于其确切的品种和年龄。圆形和丰满,带有许多拇指状的突起,总是沿着圆形的块围绕着小的深色环。在与其他咖喱糊成分研磨之前剥皮并切碎。亚搏手机版官方将新鲜的galangal储存在冰箱中的塑料中,五到七天。或将其切成薄片,将单层排列在拉链顶塑料袋中,按空气,紧密密封并冻结长达六个星期(使用冷冻的Galangal切片而不解冻)。您可能还会发现大型木质尺寸的大型木质切片中的大尺寸干燥。这些在泰国菜肴中很好地工作。切碎之前,将它们浸入温水中20至30分钟或直到柔韧。避免磨碎的galangal粉,因为它缺乏新鲜的强烈风味和香气。

C. Shrimp paste (ka-pi):Profoundly redolent of all things oceanic, shrimp paste is an essential and treasured source of flavor and texture in curry pastes and in纳姆·普里克(Nahm Prik),热爱的辣椒浸入酱汁的流派。由小虾制成的虾制成,煮熟,去皮,咸,干燥,然后磨成一种精美,坚固且非常芳香的糊状物,颜色从紫色红色到棕色,具有坚固而湿润的质地。它具有强大的气味和超淡淡的味道,但它融合到咖喱酱中,没有其原始强度的痕迹。在小塑料罐中寻找它,并保持紧密关闭,直到需要它。如果用一层蜡密封,只需打破蜡并丢弃蜡即可。将其放在室温下,紧密密封,最多六个月。

D. Dried lime peel (piew mah-kroot):在大多数咖喱酱中,野生石灰的强烈芳香和美味的干性(也称为Kaffir Lime)至关重要。干燥有时会使果皮从生动的绿色变成暗淡的棕色,但仍然存在强烈的味道。将果皮浸泡在温水中约20分钟,或者直到柔韧性并切碎,然后再与其他咖喱糊成分磨碎。亚搏手机版官方将未使用的果皮存放在密封的容器中长达六个月。您可能还会发现整个野生酸橙。将它们冷冻,并根据需要切断果皮,包括一些白髓,而无需解冻石灰。代替野生石灰,您只能使用皮(无髓)代替石灰或柠檬皮。

E. Cilantro root(rahk pahk chee):Milder in flavor and aroma than their leafy tops, cilantro roots provide a delicate herbal note and a plush, moist texture to curry pastes, bringing pungent ingredients like chiles, garlic, and galangal into a harmonious, flavor-packed whole. Look for cilantro bunches sold with their roots still attached. They may be tiny or up to several inches long. Use the root and about 1 inch of the stem portion attached to each root. Wash well and chop finely before grinding with other curry paste ingredients. To store, rinse well and put the roots in a jar of water with the leafy tops protruding from the jar. Keep at room temperature for one or two days, or cover loosely with a plastic produce bag and refrigerate for three or four days. You may also find frozen cilantro root in Asian markets. If you can’t find any cilantro root, substitute chopped cilantro stems with a few leaves mixed in.


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