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这trick to baking these crisp, paper-thin drop cookies is a good nonstick baking mat

精心烹饪Issue 44
Photos: Steve Hunter
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For a smooth batter, boil the ingredients

One of the things I love about lace cookies is that you can endlessly vary the flavor of the batter. The primary ingredients, however, are quite basic. Butter gives the cookies their buttery flavor, obviously, and a good amount of it is what helps them spread so thinly. Sugar or brown sugar and often corn syrup sweeten the cookies and give them their crisp texture. A bit of flour as well as some ground nuts or oatmeal thicken the batter and give it substance. Vanilla or other extracts, liqueurs, citrus zest, and spices will vary the flavor, as will using different nuts and adding chopped dried fruits, ginger, or coffee.

No mixer or thermometer needed.All you need for combining the ingredients is a spoon and a saucepan. The butter gets melted and boiled with the sugar and the corn syrup. This boiling reduces the traces of water found in the butter and corn syrup. Without the boiling, the excess water would cause the cookies to run all over the place. The ingredients only need to boil briefly; you don’t need to cook them to any particular temperature. The rest of the ingredients are then stirred in off the heat.

A boiled batter—unusual but essential. Take the pan off the heat soon after you see bubbles.
A few quick stirs incorporate the dry ingredients. The batter’s texture remains quite soft.
Ample room between cookies prevents “kissing.” The nonstick liner encourages the incredible spreading.

For perfect rounds, use a nonstick liner


Let the cookies firm up a bit before removing them.用细铲将其移到架子上以进一步冷却。但是,如果您打算按照下面讨论的方式塑造饼干,则需要将它们从锅中取出,同时仍然非常温暖且可延展。


Because they’re so thin and—initially—so pliable, still-warm lace cookies can be shaped all kinds of ways. Little tubes, made from rolling the cookie around a dowel or wooden spoon handle, are great for dipping into tea and coffee.


如果烤盘上的饼干在整形完成之前变得太牢固,请将它们放回热烤箱中一分钟。如果您想要大杯子,请为每个饼干使用两到三茶匙面糊,然后在烤盘上至少留四英寸。这Classic Lace Cookiesand牛奶巧克力山核桃花边饼干两者都可以很好地塑造;英国Cinnamon Currant Oatmeal Lace Cookies形状时倾向于突破饼干。



你可以填满碗状饼干冰淇淋,whipped cream, lemon curd, or any other soft filling. They can also hold slices of slightly sweetened fruit. If I’m planning to fill the cookies, I wait to do it until just before serving so the cookies stay crisp. I also have a few extra shells on hand in case one breaks. Even though they’re bowl shaped, they should be served in a bowl or plate or things might get messy.


Oatmeal and currants get just enough batter to hold them together.


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