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精心烹饪Issue 39
Photos: France Ruffenach
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Cool pastas, with their simplicity and focus on good, fresh ingredients, lend themselves to warm-weather dining. With the addition of fish or chicken, they can be substantial enough to serve as a meal in themselves. And versatile as they are, cool pastas can be made ahead and served later at room temperature. You do need to take some steps to avoid the sticky pitfalls of heavy, less delectable pasta “salads.” Dressing and seasoning the pasta carefully (with oil-based vinaigrettes and other vibrant sauces, rather than mayonnaise-based dressings), as well as choosing the best seasonal ingredients, will produce a light, refreshing cool pasta, rather than a typical bland and heavy pasta salad.



I look for pasta that’s made from 100-percent semolina or durum wheat. Most imported brands of dried pasta, and many domestic ones, are made of semolina or durum wheat. These pastas have a sturdier consistency than those made from softer wheats, and this sturdiness helps it maintain its chewy texture even after being cooked in boiling water, coated with a dressing, and chilled for any length of time.

Choose a pasta shape for your dish according to the sauce you’ll be using. If the sauce is on the thicker or chunkier side, a hefty rigatoni is the best choice. If your sauce is thinner and more fluid, fusilli or corkscrew-shaped pasta has lots of surface area to catch the sauce. Pasta shells, large or small, work best with shellfish, because they catch the bits of seafood in the dish. If I’m looking for texture, farfalle (butterfly-shaped or bow-tie pasta), with its puckered center, has the desired toothy quality. For an elegant cool pasta, I love the look of orzo with a finely diced confetti of fresh summer vegetables, dressed with a light lemony vinaigrette. Orecchiette, penne, tortellini, and elbows also work well in cool pastas because they’re easy to pick up in one forkful.


After all, this is the time when flavors are at their peak. Seek out the tiniest, sweetest cherry tomatoes or the most colorful bell peppers from the farmers’ market or your garden. Use just-snipped parsley and mint from pots of herbs, or buy the peppiest-looking fresh herbs you can find. Hit the fish store for fresh mussels and clams. Take the opportunity to buy a really good feta cheese or your favorite olives. And use a splash of that truly delicious fruity extra-virgin olive oil

Every flavor counts in a cool pasta, so Joanne Weir uses her best olive oil.

For these dishes, it’s especially important not to overcook the pasta

您不希望您的意大利面在食用时变得live脚和毫无生气。对于初学者,一旦沸腾了意大利面的水(慷慨)。添加意大利面后,在前两到三分钟内偶尔会搅拌一下,以使面食不会粘在一起。然后只煮意大利面,直到al dente,这意味着,当您咬进去时,仍然应该有轻微的阻力。请记住,在排干后,您的意大利面将继续烹饪。排水后,立即用一汤匙或两汤匙橄榄油扔面食,以免冷却时粘在一起。

Let the pasta sit after mixing well so the flavors have time to blend.




A sauce based on a vegetable purée will stay saucy and make a nice dressing as long as it has some acid in it. Try making a sauce that’s rich with tomatoes, like the Spanish romesco sauce in theorecchiette recipe或晒干的番茄香蒜酱。像莎莎·佛得角(Salsa Verde)这样的泥绿色草药也非常适合凉爽的意大利面。在里面grilled tuna recipe,我使用辣摩洛哥酱Charmoula的版本来调味面食。有时,我用“番茄水”打了个基本的醋汁(通过将番茄切成两半,用盒子刨丝器将果肉磨碎,并拧紧结果;几乎透明的液体令人惊讶地美味)。我还喜欢添加泥红色或黄辣椒或切碎的凤尾鱼。如果您将烤蔬菜添加到凉爽的意大利面中,请从锅中保存累积的果汁,然后将其添加到醋中。对于奶油调味料,不要使用蛋黄酱,而是用奶油或带有醋的奶油捣碎一点山羊奶酪或gorgonzola。有很多选择,具体取决于季节,您的市场和您的想象力。

Try preparing the different components of a cool pasta ahead of time

我喜欢煮意大利面,排干,用油扔掉,然后冷却。然后,当意大利面令人寒冷的时候,我做酱汁,无论是意味着要烤蔬菜,制作醋,煮贝类还是丁香蔬菜。然后,一两个小时在我准备好食用之前,我将所有成分扔在一起,让它坐一点。亚搏手机版官方(但是,某些亚搏手机版官方成分,例如新鲜的草药叶香港法尔法勒和烤鸡肉沙拉是最好的补充道,在最后一刻所以他们不wilt or fall apart.) I find that the dish improves when the pasta, dressing, and other components are allowed to sit for at least thirty minutes and up to two hours. I usually don’t mix cool pastas much more than a few hours before I want to serve them, though, as they’ll lose their freshness after several hours, and are definitely not as appealing after 24 hours.

If you’re in a rush, you can mix the pasta dish while the pasta is still slightly warm. In this case the warm pasta will tend to absorb more of the dressing. The pasta itself may be more flavorful, but the dish might be stickier or drier unless you increase the amount of sauce.



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