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Baking Brownies: How To Make Them Cakey, Chewy, or Fudgy

Change the proportions of ingredients to bake the style you like best

Fine Cooking Issue 34
照片:Scott Phillips
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布朗尼蛋糕都有所有的料理 - 无坚果,没有奶油奶酪,用奶油奶酪旋转,用薄荷或水果填充,撒上薯条,上面撒上浓缩咖啡或豪饮,或者只是一百万变化中的普通巧克力。但是,对于任何热爱布朗尼的人来说,布朗尼最重要的方面是质地。最初,我认为只有两个营地,蛋糕与富丽堂皇,我被牢牢地种植在蛋糕营地中。但是,经过测试,品尝和收视朋友和同事,他们在布朗尼蛋糕中获得了最大的奖励后,我开始看到有第三种风格要考虑:耐嚼,这绝对与蛋糕和柔软的兄弟姐妹不同。

I’ll say right off that I could never claim to write the Bible on brownies—there are so many recipes, and everyone has a favorite. But as I’ll show you, there are definitely guidelines to follow so that you can make the style of brownie that suits your taste, whether it’s cakey, fudgy, or chewy. I’ve also thrown in a butterscotch blondie, as well as chocolate brownie cookies, a huge favorite at my bakery, Grace Baking, and the happy result of a measuring mistake.

Create Your Own:Use the布朗尼食谱制造商to create a custom brownie recipe you can save, print, and email.

Cakey Brownies



布朗尼食谱制造商(Create Your Own Recipe)



所有这些巧克力蛋糕食谱有足够的巧克力flavor to satisfy a chocolate yearning, and they all have similar ingredients. But because of the varying amounts of chocolate, butter, sugar, and flour, the texture of each brownie is quite different. To keep things simple, I’ve left nuts out of the three chocolate variations, but feel free to add them, 3/4 cup or so. I especially love chopped toasted walnuts in the cakey version.


A chewy brownie is moist, but not quite as gooey as a fudgy one.The chewiness seems to come from a couple of different factors: more all-purpose flour, whose proteins provide “bite” (I find that cake flour, which is lower in protein, results in a light, crumbly texture that’s too delicate for brownies); and whole eggs, whose whites give structure and “set.”

A cakey brownie has a moist crumb and a slightly fluffy interior.The batter contains less butter than the other recipes, and I include milk and a little corn syrup for moistness (the milk and corn syrup are also great ways to extend a brownie’s shelf life). I don’t use much flour (even less than for most cakes), and while brownies don’t usually use chemical leavens, I add some baking powder to keep this cakey brownie light.

When I mix cakey brownies, I use a bit of cake-baking technique, too: creaming the butter and sugar first (rather than melting the butter) and then whisking the batter to aerate the mixture and get a light crumb. I think this brownie improves on sitting at least one and even two days after you bake it.

Killer brownies don’t need expensive chocolate

With high-quality chocolate—both domestic and imported—more readily available these days, I’ve noticed that many bakers have opted to get fancy with brownies. I’m a stickler for good ingredients, but I also believe that brownies are best when you keep them simple. While I encourage you to experiment with different chocolates, I got delicious results in all these recipes with supermarket-handy unsweetened and bittersweet chocolate.


In addition to ingredient proportions, baking time greatly affects the consistency of a brownie, so it’s important to be attentive. Fudgy brownies baked three minutes too short can be unpleasantly gooey; chewy brownies baked three minutes too long become tough and dry. I encourage you to invest in an oven thermometer (about $6), a valuable help in ensuring consistent results.


Are they done yet?

在食谱说之前,开始测试巧妙。在锅中的中央轻轻按下 - 布朗尼应该感觉就像已经固定了。然后插入牙签以确保。辛迪·米切尔(Cindy Mitchell)说:“如有疑问,倾向于不胜而不是过高。”

Macadamia Double-Decker Brownie Bars





One last word: although it’s awfully tempting to cut into a pan of just-baked brownies, hold off. The flavor and texture of each type of brownie will be at its best—and definitely worth waiting for—when completely cool.





  • Danadanadana |2018年10月9日


  • Danadanadana |2018年10月9日


  • doughgirl2 | 09/20/2017

    can I replace the cocoa powder in a brownie recipe with instant vanilla powder? would this keep the brownie texture the same? could you please send me a response. Thank you for your time. Doughgirl2

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