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真正的法国奶油蛋卷,丰富的一个经典的酵母面包和金色的智慧h butter and eggs, boasting a paper-thin crust and a silky, tender crumb-is a rare and wonderful thing. But as special as it is, brioche isn’t difficult to make. Here, we’ll walk you through the steps, from making the dough to shaping and baking it. We’ll also show you the secret to brioche’s richness: properly incorporating the butter into the dough (hint, knead a few times by hand in the mixing bowl; then let the mixer do the rest of the work for you).


在安装桨附件的立式搅拌机中,将面粉,糖,酵母和盐混合至低速,直至充分混合。加入4个鸡蛋和牛奶,并继续以低速混合以结合。一旦面团开始团结在一起,请取下桨附件,然后连接面团钩。(碗中仍然会有未粘的鸡蛋和面粉。)以中等速度混合2分钟。使用塑料面团刮刀或强壮的塑料刮刀,刮擦碗和钩。继续混合直到面团结实而弹性,再多2分钟(photo 1)。目前,面团可能会粘在钩子上,但这没关系。再次将面团从钩子上刮掉。

使用中等速度的混合器,一次加入一半的黄油,一次加入几块。刮下碗和面团钩,然后取下面团钩。将面团手动地揉几根碗,反复将面团自身折叠起来,以帮助掺入黄油(photo 2)。将面团钩子重新插入,然后加入剩余的黄油,一次以中低速混合。

添加所有黄油后,将混合速度提高到中等,并混合4分钟。刮擦面团钩,碗的侧面和底部。再次混合直到面团光滑,柔软和闪亮(photo 3), about 4 minutes more. You’ll hear the dough slap against the sides of the bowl when it’s ready. (If your kitchen is warm, the dough may seem too loose at this point. Resist the urge to add extra flour, or the brioche may be tough.)


使用塑料面团刮刀或刮铲将面团转移到干净的,非常轻轻的面粉表面上。面团会很湿。用手几次揉捏它,然后通过在12、3、6和9点将侧面折叠到中间,将其形成球(photo 4)。Flip the dough over, place your palms on either side of the dough, and tuck it under itself, turning the dough as you tuck to form a loose ball with a smooth top (photo 5)。Transfer the dough, smooth side up, to a clean large bowl. Cover loosely with plastic and let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free spot until doubled in size, about 1 hour.


Use the dough scraper or spatula to turn the dough out, smooth top down, onto a very lightly floured work surface. Again, form it into a ball by folding the sides into the middle at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock. Flip the dough over, place your palms on either side of the dough, and tuck it under itself, turning the dough as you tuck to form a loose ball with a smooth top. Transfer the dough, smooth side up, back to the bowl. Cover tightly with plastic. At this point, for best flavor refrigerate the dough overnight. Or let it sit out until doubled in size, about 1 hour. The warmer the room, the faster the brioche will rise, so keep an eye on it.

Shape and Proof the Brioches

如果将面团冷藏,请让它温暖到室温,约2小时。黄油16个3英寸的奶油蛋卷模具(使用顶部3至3¼英寸宽的模具,至少1¼英寸高)。将面团倒出,向下平滑,将其放在干净的工作表面上。将面团在12、3、6和9点钟将侧面折叠到中间,将面团形成球。使用比例尺和长凳刀,将面团分成2个相等的片,约1磅3盎司。每个。将每一半分成8个相等的约2½盎司。每个 (photo 6),总共16片面团。用塑料盖住面团,以防止其干燥。

将每块面团卷成一个紧紧的球,将您的手托在面团上,并用略微塞进的手的手指以圆形运动移动(photo 7)。

To form the “tête,” or head, hold your hand perpendicular to the work surface, with your fingers straight and tightly together (like you’re going to do a karate chop). Working with one ball of dough at a time (keeping the others covered with plastic), press down onto the ball with the side of your hand about one-third of the way from one of the edges of the dough ball (leaving one-third of the dough to one side of your hand, and two-thirds of the dough to the other side of your hand).

Saw back and forth with your hand almost all of the way through (photo 8)直到您得到看起来像保龄球销的形状,或者由非常细,几乎半透明的脖子连接的头和身体。将面团握在“头”上,将面团直立转动,使身体放在工作表面上。将头部向下降低到身体,深入到身体中,用拇指和食指将其散布,以使头部筑巢(photo 9)。通过塞住并将身体抬起头部周围,拧紧身体周围的身体。将面团轻轻放在一个准备好的模具中,身体向下(照片10)。重复剩余的面团。将模具转移到大框烤盘上。



Bake the Brioches

In a small bowl, make the egg wash by beating the remaining 2 eggs plus 1 egg yolk and a pinch of salt. Lightly brush the top of the brioches (without letting the egg wash drip down into the molds or pans, which would make the brioches stick to their molds). Bake until dark golden-brown on top and golden on the sides (you can lift the brioche slightly to peek in at the edge of the mold), about 18 minutes. (The internal temperature should be 190°F.) Let the brioches cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes before unmolding. Serve while they’re still warm to the touch.

Baker’s Note

  • 使用更好的黄油:高质量的黄油为您的奶油蛋卷带来了很多味道,因此请使用最好的无盐黄油。欧洲风格的黄油是理想的黄油脂肪含量(82%及以上),可以提高风味。
  • Rise up:活性干酵母没什么可害怕的,尤其是在此食谱中。与其他干成分一起添加并混合。亚搏手机版官方(请记住检查酵母上的到期日期,以确保其仍然有效)。
  • 保持监视:The rising times in this recipe are based on a 70°F kitchen. At this temperature or lower, the dough won’t rise too quickly, or overproof (which can cause improper baking). If your kitchen is warmer, the rising times will be shorter, so keep your eye on the dough and move on to the next step when it’s properly risen.
  • 加盐:盐对于酵母面包至关重要,以增强风味,控制发酵速度(因此面团不会过分),并有助于增强面筋蛋白,从而使面包柔软。在这个食谱中,两茶匙盐似乎很多,但是有充分的理由。


Photos by Scott Phillips




  • 用户-3194036 |2014年2月4日




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