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Yield:Yields about ten 2-3/4-inch biscuits or eighteen 2-inch biscuits



  • 8 oz. (1-3/4 cups) unbleached all-purpose flour; more as needed for shaping the dough
  • 1Tbs. granulated sugar
  • 2-1 / 4 TSP。发酵粉
  • 3/4 TSP。犹太盐
  • 1/4 TSP。小苏打
  • 4盎司。(8汤匙。)非常冷的珍贵的黄油
  • 3/4 cup very cold buttermilk
  • 2 cups grated sharp Cheddar, Gruyère, Gouda, or provolone


  • 基于18个饼干的营养样品大小
  • 卡路里(kcal):150
  • 脂肪卡路里(kcal):80
  • 脂肪(g):9
  • Saturated Fat (g): 6
  • 多不饱和脂肪(g):0
  • 单一饱和脂肪(g):2.5
  • 胆固醇(MG):25
  • Sodium (mg): 200
  • 碳水化合物(g):10
  • 纤维(g):0
  • Protein (g): 5



  • 将烤箱加热至500°F并将齿条定位在烤箱的中间。用羊皮纸排行镶边烤盘。将面粉,糖,发酵粉,盐和小苏打放入大型混合碗中并用搅拌搅拌以均匀地分配成分。亚搏手机版官方

  • 用锋利的刀或长凳刀,将冷黄油横向切成1/4英寸厚的切片。堆叠3或4个切片并将它们切成三个偶数条。四分之一转弯旋转堆叠并切成两半。您应该每片创建6位黄油。用面粉混合物将黄油钻入碗中。继续以相同的方式切割所有黄油并将其添加到面粉混合物中。
  • 当所有的黄油在碗里用面粉时,用手指将黄油钻头分开(往往互相粘在一起),用面粉涂上所有的黄油片,并在整个面粉混合物中均匀地分布它们。不要用尖头或手掌擦拭黄油,因为这将融化黄油。你只是试图打破黄油片,不要将黄油融入面粉。

  • 当所有的黄油均匀分布时,加入冷酪乳并用大勺子搅拌,直到所有或大部分面粉都被酪乳吸收,面团形成粗肿块,约1分钟。

Pat and fold the dough:

  • Dust a work surface with flour and dump the dough onto the floured surface, cleaning out the bowl with a spatula or a plastic bowl scraper. Dust the top of the dough and your hands with flour, and press the dough into a 3/4-inch-thick rectangle. Sprinkle a small amount of additional flour and one-third of the cheese on the top of the dough. Fold the dough over on itself in three sections, as if folding a letter (also called a tri-fold). With a bench knife or metal spatula, lift the dough off the counter and dust under it with flour to prevent sticking, if necessary. Dust the top with flour and press the dough out again into a 3/4-inch-thick rectangle. Sprinkle on another third of the cheese and repeat the tri-fold. Repeat this procedure one more time (three times in all), using the remaining cheese.

Cut and bake the biscuits:

  • 在第三三折后,如果需要,面团顶部下方和顶部的灰尘,并滚动或将面团压成1/2英寸厚的椭圆形。在面粉中浸入2英寸或2-3 / 4英寸圆形饼干切割器,然后开始切割饼干,在每个饼干之间浸入面粉中。直接按下切割并直接抬起;扭曲饼干切割器将密封侧面并干扰上升。使用台式刀或刮刀将饼干转移到烤盘上,将它们分开约1/2英寸。

  • 轻轻地收集任何残渣的面团,帕特和你滚t again, and cut more biscuits from the remaining dough. You can gather and roll the scraps two times total and still get good results (the more times you roll out, the tougher the biscuits will be).

  • Put the baking sheet in the oven and reduce the temperature to 450°F. Bake for 8 minutes; rotate the pan 180 degrees; continue baking until both the tops and bottoms of the biscuits are a rich golden brown and the biscuits have doubled in height, revealing flaky layers on the sides, 4 to 6 minutes more. It’s all right if some butter seeps from the biscuits. Remove the pan from the oven and set it on a cooling rack, leaving the biscuits on the pan. Cool the biscuits for at least 3 minutes and serve them hot or warm (they will stay warm for about 20 minutes).




  • CLAUDIAALWAYS|0.9/08/2019


  • 用户Avater.

    Mmmm... YUM! This biscs are the bomb.. The amount of baking powder is just right. One adjustment I made is that I used less cheese than it called for. Just about a cup or so. Also, I baked them at 190C for about 25-30min. The garlic at the end gives them that boost in flavor that just makes you want to eat the whole sheet. Total hit.

  • em00jes02.|2015/09/16

    Biscuits had nice texture and nice crunchy exterior but I questioned the 500 degree temp so baked them at 475 and the bottoms still burned..... didn't stop my family from gobbling up the tops but they left the bottoms uneaten- like muffin tops!


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