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Why buttermilk makes better pancakes, biscuits, pound cakes, scones, and more

精心烹饪Issue 68
照片:Scott Phillips
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如果你想pancakesthat rise and rise and rise on the griddle, use buttermilk. If you wantbiscuits丰富而片状,与酪乳制成。为了磅蛋糕用潮湿的面包屑和浓郁的边缘选择酪乳。什么成分是什么成分,具有改善松饼,快速面包,scones, and more? You guessed it: Buttermilk!


Although you probably don’t think of it in this way, buttermilk contributes to the leavening of many baked goods. In conjunction with baking soda, buttermilk produces carbon dioxide gas, which is why a stack of pancakes made with buttermilk can tower over those made with milk. In fact, before baking powder was invented, buttermilk was the home cook’s trusty baking companion. Baking soda was the only game in town, and it needed an acidic ingredient to help activate it and balance its flavor. Buttermilk came to the rescue.

And it’s still my savior in the kitchen. Having a quart of buttermilk in the fridge allows me to whip together a quick batch of scones whenever the mood strikes. I know that one complaint with this ingredient is having a half-empty carton leftover, but I never have that problem as there are plenty of ways to use it beyond baking. In my family, we even drink it, blended with fresh fruit and sugar, for a quick, tangy smoothie.


最初,脱脂乳是r的乳白色液体emained after churning cream into butter. But the product that we use today is made in a different way, more akin to yogurt. Skim milk or low-fat milk is heated with active cultures (in other words, good bacteria), and these cultures convert some of the sugar in the milk (the lactose) into lactic acid. Under acidic conditions, milk proteins are not as soluble and they precipitate out, causing what’s known as clabbering—an old-fashioned term for the thickening of milk. It’s the lactic acid that causes both tartness and thickness, which are classic characteristics of buttermilk.




快速酪乳替代品的一种简单方法是添加1汤匙。白醋或柠檬汁到1杯全牛奶,静置10分钟。这种“酸奶”可以在大多数烘焙食品中捏酪乳。(Don’t try using truly soured milk, which is milk that has spoiled and has an unpleasant flavor.) It will provide the acid for leavening and tenderizing, though the flavor won’t be as tangy or as pleasing as you get with regular buttermilk.

Yogurt also works: I’ve used plain low-fat or whole-milk yogurt in recipes when I’ve come up short on buttermilk, and it works fine.

How long does buttermilk last?


Beyond baking

I use buttermilk so often that it has a permanent spot on my weekly shopping list. But if you’re looking for easy ways to use up the quart, here are a few:

Ranch dressing:用2/3杯蛋黄酱,2茶匙Dijon Mustard搅拌1杯酪乳,1茶匙。切碎的大蒜和1汤匙。每一个新鲜的莳萝,切碎的新鲜欧芹和磨碎的洋葱。调味,用盐和胡椒粉调味。


Vegetable soups:Swirl a little buttermilk into a bowl of puréed soup for a bit of tang.

Fried chicken:Soak chicken pieces in buttermilk before coating with breadcrumbs and frying. The acidity in buttermilk makes the meat extra tender—and tangy, too.

Fruit desserts:Instead of topping a dish of peaches or berries with crème fraîche or whipped cream, try using a little buttermilk mixed with sugar as a low-fat alternative.


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  • Lisa0 | 10/18/2019

    Excellent article! Adds new value to buttermilk! Thank you!

  • elliepickering | 05/30/2019


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