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Cooking Fruit with Fire


精心烹饪Issue 40
Photo: Judi Rutz
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A gas grill is convenient; a wood fire adds toasty flavor


如果您将水果作为开胃菜或主菜,例如烤无花果和培根或者猪肉和葡萄, a wood fire will give you the most aromatic smoke.


Cook with moderately high heat.太热的火很快就会燃烧糖,从而产生苦味,不愉快的风味。通过将手掌握在炉排上方约2英寸处来检查热量;如果您可以在那里持续三秒钟,但没有更多,那么您会有中型火,对烧烤大多数水果有益。



Adding flavor to the fruit.I often rub spices on fruits and marinate them before grilling. The spices are purely for flavor, but the marinade serves other purposes as well. If there is some fat in the marinade, such as melted butter, it can help prevent sticking, as well as add richness of flavor. A marinade also keeps fruit juicy and will keep cut fruit from turning brown before it hits the grill. If there’s sugar in the marinade, it will help the fruit brown once it’s on the grill. Another way to promote browning is to dust the fruit with confectioners’ sugar just before grilling.

让水果独自一分钟。Once on the grill, let the fruit stay in one place for at least a minute to color and sear. Check the underside of the fruit; when it’s golden with mahogany grill marks—turn the fruit over to finish cooking.

因为没有与undercooki安全问题ng fruit (as there could be with meat), there are no crucial doneness tests, but do be sure the fruit has softened without becoming mushy and that it has taken on some nice color.



苹果—Sprinkle a halved and cored apple with some cinnamon. Marinate it in some apple brandy. Brush with melted butter and grill until softened. Serve with good vanilla ice cream and crisp butter cookies.

Pears—Sprinkle halved and cored pears with salt, pepper, and a little sugar. Brush them with butter and grill until softened. Add them to a salad of greens, walnuts, and blue cheese and dress with a sherry vinaigrette.

Bananas—Roll a whole, firm banana or skewered slices in melted butter and dust with sweet spices, such as cinnamon and cloves, before grilling. Serve with toasted pecans, sweetened whipped cream, and a drizzle of honey.

Dried apricots—Larger dried fruits, like apricots, figs, and prunes, benefit from the warmth of the grill. Serve with some fresh fruits, nuts, and a great selection of cheeses.

Grapefruit- 如果您喜欢烤烤架,您会喜欢它的烤。将其切成两半,撒上糖,并切碎烤面包。淋上一些chambord,以供餐后点心。

Papayas—For a great breakfast treat, grill half a papaya brushed with a little honey. Squeeze a bit of lime over it all before serving.


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