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A Cook’s Guide to Fresh Herbs


Fine Cooking Issue 33
Photos, except where noted: Steve Hunter
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我一直为新鲜草药疯狂 - 事实上,我曾经突袭曼哈顿的回廊花园,偷了牛至,迷迭香或百里香的小树枝,只是为了保持自己的供应。

Today I have no need for tactics like that. I’m lucky enough to have my own garden that’s full of many of my favorites: thyme, savory, chives, purple sage, spearmint, lavender, and more. And for those herbs that I just can’t get to thrive in my front yard, I have another convenient (and legitimate) source: the local supermarket. Nowadays, well-stocked groceries often carry herbs like tarragon and marjoram alongside favorites like basil and rosemary.

Such availability is a dream come true for me, but I’ve noticed that many people are intimidated by this abundance of choice. How many passionate cooks (professionals as well as amateurs) buy fresh herbs, use maybe a few sprigs, and then proceed to forget about the rest of the bunch until they’re dried out, limp, or spoiled? Many, I know. Why do they let these wonderfully fragrant flavorings expire in the back of their refrigerators? Because they don’t know how best to store and handle them, and perhaps because they’re a little afraid of using them. What herbs go with what food? How do you use them other than as a sprinkle to decorate a dish? When and how should they be added during cooking?



Supermarkets package fresh herbs in various ways: loose in small plastic boxes, fastened in bunches with rubber bands, or sometimes still growing in a pot. No matter the packaging, look for herbs with vibrant color and aroma (open up those boxes for a sniff), and avoid those that are limp or yellowing, have black spots, or don’t smell totally fresh and appetizing. I like to buy field-grown basil, parsley, mint, cilantro, and dill when possible—as opposed to greenhouse grown—because they’re so much more fragrant. You can recognize field-grown herbs by their larger, hardier stalks and leaves. Some chefs prefer the more tender greenhouse herbs because they make a lovely delicate garnish and because they’re ready to use straight from the bag.




To keep tender herbs at their best,remove any rubber bands or fasteners. Because the roots draw the moisture from the leaves, it’s important to trim off the root ends and the lower parts of the stems to prevent the tops from wilting. If the roots are large and prominent, you can save them to flavor soups or stocks. (Southeast Asian cooks chop up cilantro roots along with the leaves, while Jewish cooks like to add parsley roots to chicken soup.)

To keep pesto bright and green,确保您的食品加工机刀片锋利,因此它可以切割而不压碎成分(如果不是成分,请将其带到刀锋夹中)。亚搏手机版官方然后按适当的顺序添加成分:亚搏手机版官方首先,草药最后。我从油开始,然后加入大蒜和松子坚果,将它们完全切成泥。最后,添加果岭,将它们尽可能短的时间加工,以使其保持凉爽并保持颜色。

Try other herbs besides basil in pesto (an Italian word simply meaning paste). Make a Southwest pesto with cilantro, pumpkin seeds, garlic, and aged Monterey Jack or Asiago cheese and a little fresh green chile. In cold weather, I make a sage, parsley, and walnut pesto to stir into a bowl of hearty white bean soup.


Freezing fresh herbs generally turns them black and slimy, but if you protect them with a fat, by making a pesto (without the cheese) or an herb butter, for example, they’ll be fine.

To store herbs, trim their root ends and wrap loosely in damp paper towels. Store in an airtight plastic bag or container and refrigerate.

Wash herbs only when you’re ready to use them,because excess moisture shortens their shelf life in the refrigerator. If I can get away without washing them at all, I do. Greenhouse herbs will be cleaner than field-grown and may not need washing. But if the herbs look or feel sandy, I wash them no matter their origin.

洗草药,把它们放在一个大碗里清凉的佤邦ter and swish them to release grit. Lift the herbs out of the water with your hands, a sieve, or a skimmer. If you see a lot of grit on the bottom of the bowl, wash the herbs again in a fresh bowl of water. Spin them dry in a salad spinner or gently blot them dry by rolling them up in a clean towel.

Washing herbs.



The more tender the herb, the closer to cooking time you’ll need to chop it. If you chop in advance, cover the herbs with plastic wrap punctured with a few air holes and refrigerate them. You can save leftover chopped herbs for a day or so, but sniff them before using, especially parsley, cilantro, basil, and dill, which are highly perishable when chopped.

Whether you add the herb whole or chopped, or at the start of cooking rather than at the end, depends on both the herb and the effect you want.

如果您希望草药贡献圆形的背景风味,请在烹饪开始时添加小树枝。Strong, resinous herbs like marjoram, thyme, and savory do best when allowed to mellow during the cooking process. To gently release the flavor oils of an herb in a slow-cooking sauce, soup, or stew, lightly crush the sprig before adding it to the liquid. Leaving the leaves on the stem makes it easy to remove the whole herb later.


Take advantage of the whole herb

When a recipe calls for only one part of the herb plant, I make a point of reserving the remains for another use. If you are unsure of which herbs go best with which foods, seeHerb and food pairingsfor some time-honored combinations.

Tender stems flavor soups and stocks. For easy removal, tie with twine or keep the root intact, as with the cilantro stems on the left.
Add woody stems like rosemary, thyme, or sage to the grill as a fragrant stand-in for wood chips.

Save tender stems for stocks and woody ones for the grill.少量地加入嫩的草药茎,以在鸡肉或鱼烟雾中含有温和的粉底味。不要被带走,尤其是在含有大量叶绿素(绿色)等草药中,例如香菜,香菜和莳萝。可以使用坚固的树脂草药的木质茎,代替烤架上的木片。尝试热吸烟(在覆盖的烤架中慢慢烹饪,使烟雾渗透到食物上)纽约牛lo牛排在厚实的迷迭香茎上,就像我过去的餐厅时代一样。源自百里香,鼠尾草,玛乔拉姆,迷迭香和咸味,它们都效果很好。

Deep-fry herb leaves for an elegant, crunchy garnish.Fried flat-leaf or curly parsley is a classic partner for fried fish and seafood. I garnish crab cakes served over a fresh tomato sauce with crispy and tasty fried lovage leaves. Whole sage leaves dipped in a simple Italian flour and water batter, called a pastella, and then fried in olive oil, are a traditional complement to fritto misto (batter-fried meat, seafood, and vegetables).

Search out herb blossoms in season.特别是美味的是薰衣草蓝色辣椒花朵,花瓣分离并撒在寒冷的vichyssoise上。甜美的蓝紫色鼠尾草和休砂花朵盛开,制成了季节性沙拉装饰。其他花朵,如微小的白百里香,薰衣草蓝色的夏季咸味和紫色迷迭香,味道鲜美,搭配细香葱和褐色黄油,然后撒上新鲜的意大利面。撒上磨碎的帕尔玛干酪或碎的新鲜山羊奶酪。我不喜欢罗勒(Basil)或马乔拉姆(Marjoram)花朵,因为它们往往苦涩,而且中国或大蒜细香葱的漂亮白色花朵太难吃了。


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