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Top 10 Fridge Essentials

With these long-lasting and versatile items on hand, you'll rarely be at a loss for what to cook

Photos: Scott Phillips
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我们大多数人都很擅长将黄油,牛奶和鸡蛋等必需品放在冰箱中。但是,还有其他一些繁忙的库克冰箱绝对不应该没有的物品。这些成分与一些厨房的主食和一亚搏手机版官方些想象力搭配时,可以在弄清楚今晚晚餐的时候可以为您节省前往市场的旅行。有关菜的例子,您可以与我们的冰箱必需品一起放在一起,请参阅食谱Fettucine with Tomatoes, Capers & Olives.


We’ve rescued many a dull dish with a spritz of lemon juice or a pinch of lemon zest. Brightly acidic, lemon enhances other flavors while at the same time adding its own citrusy note. We most often use it to punch up brothy soups, all kinds of sauces, vegetable side dishes, and anything with fruit in it. To finely grate zest without getting any of the bitter white pith, invest in a rasp-style grater—you won’t regret it. Lemons will keep in the refrigerator for about two weeks.




Homemade or good low-salt canned or boxed chicken broth is one of the most versatile ingredients you can have on hand. We use it to make soup, whip up pan sauces, or make rice pilafs or risotti. Broth that won’t be used before it spoils gets frozen in ice-cube trays so we can thaw it in various amounts. Once opened, a can or box of broth will keep in the fridge for two weeks. (Pour canned broth into another storage container.)


Worth the cost at almost any price, true Parmigiano-Reggiano is full of intensely savory flavor that’s crucial to so many dishes, from pastas to hearty soups like minestrone. We keep a chunk in the fridge for grating fresh right before we need it (once grated, it starts losing its flavor, so don’t bother buying it already grated). When the cheese is used up, we stash the rind in the freezer for simmering in the next pot of minestrone. A well-wrapped chunk of Parmigiano will maintain its best flavor for about a month.


A handful of chopped herbs lends fresh flavor and color to just about anything. You can always find parsley, cilantro, mint, rosemary, and thyme (and a few others) in the test kitchen refrigerators, ready to be chopped and scattered over a chicken sauté as a flavorful garnish or stirred into bean salads, salsas, and pan sauces or gravies, among other things. Store herbs stems down in a few inches of water, loosely tented with a plastic bag. They’ll stay fresh for about two weeks this way.

Olives and capers


Sun-dried tomatoes



Savory, salty soy sauce is our secret ingredient in all sorts of marinades, dipping sauces, and dressings. A little sprinkle of soy sauce is also a great flavor booster for plain broiled fish and steamed vegetables. Look for naturally brewed brands of soy sauce, and as the label instructs, refrigerate after opening to keep it tasting its best; it keeps indefinitely.



Bacon and pancetta

Bacon makes everything better. Bacon and its unsmoked cured Italian counterpart, pancetta, contribute a meaty richness—and in the case of bacon, a measure of smokiness—to chowders and bean soups, stuffings, and quiches, among other things. If we won’t be using the whole package within a few days, we freeze it in small batches so it’s easy to thaw only what we need.





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