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照片:斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)
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A.柠檬草(塔·克雷(Tah Krai)):柠檬草带有花卉柠檬味和类似柑橘类的味道,在各种各样的泰国菜肴中露面。它是咖喱糊的标准品,也有价值。它变得越来越主流,因此有些超市携带它,但是亚洲市场对最新鲜的柠檬草是一个更好的选择。寻找坚固,纤维,苍白的茎。要使用,修剪每个茎的顶部,留下一个4英寸长的部分,包括底座。根据需要在切碎或切片之前,请拔掉任何干燥的外叶。为了保持柠檬草新鲜,将茎宽松地包裹在塑料袋中,然后将其冷藏五到七天。要冻结柠檬草,修剪顶部,很好地包装以使其密闭,并冻结长达六个星期。直接从冷冻机中使用而无需解冻。避免干燥和粉末状的柠檬草,因为它们不保留所需的风味或香气。


B. Galangal():This cousin of ginger is prized for its extraordinary citrus-like flavor in soups and its burst of herbal heat in curry pastes. In its fresh form, its color ranges from delicate ivory to warm brown, depending on its exact variety and age. Round and plump with lots of thumb-like protrusions, it’s always encircled with small dark rings along the rounded chunks. Peel and chop it before grinding with other curry paste ingredients. Store fresh galangal loosely wrapped in plastic in the refrigerator for five to seven days. Or slice it thinly, arrange in a single layer in a zip-top plastic bag, press out the air, seal tightly, and freeze for up to six weeks (use frozen galangal slices without thawing them). You may also find dried galangal in large, woody-looking slices of wildly varying sizes. These work wonderfully in Thai dishes. Before chopping, soak them in warm water for 20 to 30 minutes or until pliable. Avoid ground galangal powder, as it lacks the intense flavor and aroma of fresh.

C.虾酱(ka-pi):虾糊深深柔和,是咖喱糊和质地的必不可少的,珍贵的味道和质地的来源nahm prik, the beloved genre of hot chile dipping sauces. Made from tiny shrimp which are boiled, peeled, salted, dried, and then ground to a fine, sturdy, and very aromatic paste, it ranges in color from purplish-red to brown, with a firm but moist texture. It packs a powerful scent and super-salty flavor, but it melds into curry paste without a trace of its original intensity. Look for it in small plastic jars and keep it tightly closed until you need it. If it’s sealed with a layer of wax, simply break the wax and discard it. Store it at room temperature, tightly sealed, for up to six months.

D.干石灰皮(Piew Mah-Kroot):Essential in most curry pastes, the intensely aromatic and flavorful dried peel of the wild lime (also known as kaffir lime) delivers the vibrant citrus notes of limes and lemons with amazing depth. Drying sometimes turns the peel from vivid green to dull brown, but the intense flavor remains. Soak the peel in warm water for about 20 minutes or until it’s pliable and chop very finely before grinding with other curry paste ingredients. Store unused peel in an airtight container for up to six months. You may find frozen whole wild limes as well. Keep them frozen, and cut off strips of peel, including some white pith, as needed without thawing the lime. In place of wild lime, you can substitute lime or lemon zest, using the zest only, without the pith.

E. Cilantro root (拉克·帕克·chee):香菜根比绿叶顶部温和的香气,为咖喱糊提供了精致的草药和湿润的质地,使辣椒,大蒜和galangal等辛辣的成分变成了和谐,风味的整体。亚搏手机版官方寻找售出的香菜束,其根部仍然附着。它们可能很小或长达几英寸。使用附着在每个根上的茎部分的根和约1英寸。在与其他咖喱糊成分磨碎之前先洗净并切碎。亚搏手机版官方要存放,用井井有条,将根部放在一罐水中,叶子上的绿树成荫的顶部从罐子里伸出。保持室温一两天,或用塑料袋宽松地盖住,然后冷藏三,四天。您可能还会在亚洲市场找到冷冻的香菜根。如果找不到任何香菜根,请用切碎的香菜茎替换几片叶子。




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