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These cooked mixtures of milk or cream and egg yolks are at the heart of many classic desserts. Learn the three types of custards and how to perfect each type.

照片:Scott Phillips
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What do cheesecake, ice cream, trifles, Bavarians, crème brûlée, pots de crème, and pudding all have in common? At the most basic level, these creamy desserts are all custards. Technically, a custard is any liquid thickened by eggs, and in most cases that liquid is cream or milk. It’s a marriage made in heaven: The creaminess of the dairy is enhanced by the silky, emulsifying properties of egg yolks to create an irresistible texture. I’ve turned down a cookie, even a slice of cake, but I don’t think I could ever turn away crème brûlée.

As you’ll see, different types of custards are governed by slightly different sets of chemical properties. Knowing the scientific principles behind them—plus a few key cooking tips and tricks—can help you get these luscious desserts right every time.

幻灯片:获取十几个以上的食谱scrumptious custard desserts

Three types of custards

Custards are categorized by how they’re thickened.
Pure or basic custards are thickened and set by eggs alone. These are the most delicate custards; they require careful attention during cooking, which is usually done in the even heat of a water bath, as they can quickly go from undercooked to broken and curdled.

Starch-thickened custards contain ingredients such as flour or cornstarch for added thickening power. These starches give custards more body, making them sturdy enough to endure cooking with direct heat.

Gelatin-set custards have an alluring richness from the structural boost that only gelatin can provide.

The science behind basic custards

是什么使他们与众不同?These delicate custards are thickened only with eggs. When heated, the egg proteins slowly unwind from a coil-like shape and elongate. The proteins can then easily catch onto one another to form a gel, which thickens the mixture.

Delicious examples: Crème anglaise, a classic dessert sauce made with lightly sweetened milk and cream and just barely thickened with egg yolks, is the thinnest of all basic custards. If you freeze this custard sauce, you get ice cream. If you add more egg and bake it, you have flan, pot de crème, crème brûlée, or crème caramel. If you pour it over bread cubes and bake it, you’ve made bread pudding.

Getting them right: Sweet custards typically thicken between 160°F and 180°F, well below the boiling point. If you go past that point, the egg proteins lose their shape and can no longer hold liquid, so a baked custard like crème caramel will appear curdled and runny, and a stirred custard sauce like crème anglaise may have bits of scrambled egg in it.



The Science behind starch-thickend custards




If you overcook a starch-thickened custard, you can use a fine strainer to strain out any bits of egg.



是什么使他们与众不同?Like eggs, gelatin contains proteins that bind liquid. But powdered gelatin is a much more powerful thickener than eggs, so it gives the custard enough body to hold its shape when sliced. This type of custard needs to be chilled in order to set.

美味的例子:蛋奶冻Gelatin-set开始智慧h a basic custard (such as crème anglaise), which may be flavored with fruit purée or chocolate. When gelatin is added to this mixture, it becomes firm enough to set in a crust for an icebox pie. Fold whipped cream into the gelatin-set custard and you have a fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth Bavarian. Bavarians can be poured into decorative molds to set, or used to fill a cake-lined pan. (A classic example is charlotte russe, which is a Bavarian cream set in a mold lined with lady fingers and garnished with whipped cream.) When egg whites are used to lighten the custard, you’ve got a chiffon filling, which makes lighter-than-air pies.

Getting them right: To ensure that the gelatin dissolves evenly without forming grainy lumps, allow it to “bloom,” or soften, by sprinkling it onto a liquid and letting it sit for 5 minutes before heating to dissolve.



Chocolate Chiffon Pie


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  • jessicavogl | 07/25/2019


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    PaulPHayes | 04/30/2019

    Thanks for sharing this great post.

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    BerrySVickers | 11/21/2018


  • 星尘4300 |11/06/2017

    Thank you so much! This is definitely the advice I needed. I'm wanting to make the latter and will need to add gelatin. I have gelatin sheets not the dry powder.

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