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Add the distinctive flavor of coconut with crunchy toasted shreds or a rich, creamy milk

Photo: Scott Phillips
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As a pastry chef living on the island of Hawaii, I have a proprietary fondness for rich, sweet coconut. I’m still charmed by the Beware of Falling Coconuts signs that dot the beaches here, and my own backyard plays host to a lovely, fruitbearing coconut tree. But when it comes to baking with this favorite flavor of mine, I usually don’t bother with a fresh coconut. And I’m not alone. Even in Hawaii, most cooks shy away from using fresh. Why? Though fresh coconut is delicious, it’s literally a hard nut to crack. I’ve seen experienced huskers free a kernel in seconds, but amateurs like me can spend thirty minutes hacking away with a hammer only to end up staring hopelessly at a mess of dirty, fiber-covered, virtually unusable meat.

For those who want to try their hand at it, be my guest. For the rest of us who would rather cook with coconut than wrestle with it, there are many excellent coconut products available—dried coconut, coconut milk, even coconut extract—that provide authentic flavor without need of a hammer, a screwdriver, persistence, and practice.

Try health-food stores for shredded coconut


I usually head to the health-food store when I need desiccated coconut. That’s where you’ll find those wonderful large flakes—the size that often turns up in granola. This is what to buy when you want to make a statement. I use the wide flakes in my favorite biscotti, where they stand out noticeably, and to festoon the coconut buttercream icing on my chocolate layer cake. I use the small grated coconut for my macaroons and to give brownie and cookie recipes an exotic kick and crunch.




A big part of coconut’s appeal for me is its chewy texture. But I know people who, while they like the flavor of coconut, object to how it feels in their mouth. For them, smooth, creamy coconut desserts are the answer. I use coconut milk to flavor custards, ice cream, and sorbet. I use it in icings and to flavor pastry cream.

Coconut milk is not the liquid found within the coconut: it’s made from combining coconut meat with hot water (or dairy milk or cream) and straining and squeezing out as much liquid as possible. You can make your own, but canned coconut milk is convenient and is found in most supermarkets, as well as in Asian or Latin American groceries. The Thai products are my favorite: smooth and homogenous. Mendoca’s coconut milk from Hawaii is the most like homemade, slightly coarse and separated.

Canned coconut milk will last indefinitely unopened, but once opened is highly susceptible to spoilage. Refrigerate opened coconut milk and freeze what you don’t use in a day or two; it will last two months in the freezer. Coconut milk may be substituted in part for liquids in baking, but be aware that it can curdle without a thickener, and it will turn a very unappealing shade of gray if cooked in a cast-iron pot.


Other ways to add coconut flavor include syrups and extracts.椰子糖浆经常被调酒师使用并在酒类商店中使用,非常适合简单的糖浆来润湿海绵蛋糕层。我喜欢在自制的焦糖酱中添加一点,然后将其倒在澳洲坚果冰淇淋上。

Even coconut extract has a place in layering flavors in pastry work. It’s delicious in French buttercreams or when used in place of vanilla extract in white or yellow cake layers. A friend of mine finishes limeade with a few drops of coconut extract for an instant taste of Tahiti. Just remember to use it sparingly: it can leave a chemical aftertaste if used too heavily.



即使我整天都在制作椰子甜点时,我仍然会渴望辣的泰式咖喱,加热椰子奶或一些酥脆的椰子壳炸薯条。但是这些食谱属于另一个关于椰子的故事 - 咸味的食谱,这也是一个好故事。





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