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A Trio of Silky Custards

Learn the secrets to making satiny-smooth custard, and then create three different desserts: crème caramel, crème brûlée, and pot de crème

Fine Cooking Issue 25
Photos: Ben Fink
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Crème brûlée is to desserts as Tom Cruise is to movie stars: with Cruise as your leading man, you’re guaranteed a hit. Whenever I’d put crème brûlée on the menu at the restaurant where I worked, it would outsell all the other desserts by such a huge margin that I’d have to start work early to keep up with the demand. Learning how to make the creamy classic seems to be just as popular—I once taught a pastry class and noticed two burly uniformed men among the mainly female audience. They turned out to be firemen who had come to turn off the smoke detectors before my class started; when they learned I was doing crème brûlée, they stayed for the class.

Crème brûlée (pronounced krehm broo-lay) belongs to the family of custards that includes the classic crème caramel (krehm kair-ah-mehl) and the lesser known but equally luxurious pot de crème (poh duh krehm). From a simple list of ingredients—eggs, sugar, milk, cream, and a flavoring such as vanilla—comes this array of suave, silky baked custards.



相同的技术,但结果不同。You’ll notice that all three custards share the same mixing and baking techniques. Look closer, however, and you find that the proportions for each custard vary and that, while the variations seem small, they actually correspond to a different result.

奶油布鲁利是三个中最富有的。所有的浓奶油和蛋黄都煮熟了浓郁而浓密的浓汤 - 与玻璃状脆性焦糖糖的形成鲜明对比。接下来是PotdeCrème。奶油和牛奶等等的奶油和大量的蛋黄,它是柔软而柔软的,纯净的蛋ust可以从杯子里勺子勺子,并没有装饰。最后,焦糖焦糖是最轻的,还有全鸡蛋以及蛋黄,牛奶和奶油。它是要从烘烤的小模子中倒出的,这样它的黄褐色焦糖酱就可以在周围泳池池。蛋清使蛋ust足够坚固,可以自己站起来。


As you can see from the recipes, custards aren’t complicated desserts, but in order to make them what they should be—suave in texture, mellow and rich in flavor—you need to pay close attention to details.



One of the most important techniques in baking is called tempering, which is the slow addition of a hot liquid to cold eggs. Tempering gradually brings the temperature of the two mixtures together and keeps you from making scrambled eggs, which is what you get when a scalding hot liquid shocks an egg. To temper, add a large spoonful of the hot cream to the egg-sugar mixture, whisking all the while. Add another spoonful, and then another, and continue until all the cream is mixed in.


Scalding the cream isn’t critical but it is handy. Scalding (a holdover from the days before pasteurization) speeds total cooking time and helps dissolve the sugar. When you see small bubbles at the sides of the pan, the cream is hot enough.

The wobble test says it’s done


To test for doneness, wiggle a ramekin around. It should be wobbly like Jell-O, but not soupy. When the custard in the ramekin moves as one mass rather than as a cup of liquid cream, it’s ready. If a knife inserted in the center comes out clean, then the custard is probably overcooked. If this happens, remove the ramekins immediately from the water bath and plunge them into ice water to bring the temperature down and stop the cooking. Note that crème caramel will usually cook much faster than the other custards because of the egg whites in the base, which are full of proteins that coagulate at a lower temperature.

A smooth custard needs gentle heat. Start with a protective water bath and a sheet of foil, and cook the custards in a low oven—325°F is tops.





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