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A Touch of Heat Turns Salad Into Supper


精心烹饪Issue 30
Photos: France Ruffenach
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When you think of your favorite winter dishes, you may not think of salad, but I do. Not salad as in “cool, crisp greens and ripe tomatoes,” however. If you choose heartier ingredients and give them all the right touch of heat, that summer standard can become a warming winter dinner.

抛弃任何煮熟的,枯萎的菠菜沙拉的记忆,上面装饰着煮熟的鸡蛋和培根。我谈论的温暖沙拉充满了美味的口味和吸引人的质地。我认为最好的温暖沙拉的关键在于方法 - 勉强枯萎的蔬菜,以使温暖的醋将所有风味融合在一起,但不会使沙拉潮湿。第二个关键在于成分 - 质合,但互补的口味,并具有很多亚搏手机版官方质地对比。

Imagine warm, tangy dressings drizzled over sharp and tender greens, tossed with crunchy roasted nuts and rich, pungent cheese. Then imagine that salad topped with sautéed shrimp, roasted chicken or pork, or even roasted vegetables, and you’ll see how satisfying a “warm” salad in winter can be.


Once you understand the basic techniques for preparing a warm salad, you’ll be able to create your own versions that feature your favorite ingredients or just those you have on hand.

从凉爽,酥脆的蔬菜开始,然后稍微枯萎。When a dressing is warm, it has a more pronounced flavor than when it’s cold, plus the heat really brings out all the flavors of the salad. You have to be careful when you dress the greens, though, because you want them to be just slightly wilted. I suggest a few different ways to do this.

我喜欢的第一种方法是将绿色和浇头与未加热的敷料混合在一个不锈钢搅拌碗中,然后将碗放在燃烧器上,然后扔沙拉,直到蔬菜开始枯萎。如果您没有不锈钢搅拌碗,另一种很好的方法是将调味料在锅中加热。您可以将敷料添加到可能要炒的任何东西中,例如虾或鸡肉,也可以单独加热。然后,只需将温暖的醋倒在一碗蔬菜上,加上装饰物,然后折腾。这些方法与更坚硬的绿色,例如菠菜,渣子和羽衣甘蓝效果很好。您也可以以这种方式枯萎;只需更轻轻地穿上果岭,然后立即将其食用即可。或者,您可以将生蔬菜放在餐盘上,上面放上刚煮熟的温暖的虾或鸡肉,然后淋上所有味道。当果岭特别嫩时,我会使用这种方法,例如Mizuna或Mesclun。无论您选择哪种枯萎的方法,只需记住您就不想完全烹饪蔬菜,所以不要将它们直接放入热炒锅中。 And don’t wilt the greens until you’re ready to serve them; these salads look and taste best when freshly dressed.

Remember, the more tender the greens, the less wilting they need.

Complementary flavors and contrasting textures make the best toppings

When I want to prepare a warm salad, I first consider the individual elements—the greens, the dressing, the toppings—and how they work as a whole. Are the flavors complementary? Is there enough contrast in texture, color, and flavor?

Choose the right greens.For warm salads, try using a combination of bitter and mild greens for a nice balance. For example, too much strongly flavored kale can overpower a salad, but incorporating spinach balances it nicely.

  • 购买最新鲜的蔬菜。如果食谱需要Mizuna,但它超过了市场上的质量,请替代其他蔬菜,例如Mesclun或Arugula。
  • 在使用果岭之前,请确保果岭非常干燥,以使叶子紧贴叶子并且不会被稀释。您可以提前几个小时清洗它们;如果您将它们旋转干燥,将它们放在装满湿纸巾的碗中,用保鲜膜盖上并冷藏。
  • Match your greens to your dressing. Sturdy greens go best with something hearty, while more tender varieties need a light, delicate dressing that won’t weigh them down.
  • Experiment with different greens. Spinach, frisée, escarole, mustard greens, and kale are all available this time of year, and mesclun mixes seem to fill the produce bins year-round. Buy the smallest leaves of kale and mustard that you can find; they’ll be more tender. Or slice bigger leaves into ribbons.

可以灵活地使用敷料。Try using various combinations of vinegars and oils. Keep a variety on hand: extra-virgin olive and vegetable oils; redwine, balsamic, sherry, and rice vinegars. Experiment with nut oils like hazelnut or walnut, or herb-infused oils and vinegars. Remember that any basic salad dressing uses one part vinegar to three parts oil.




对于温暖的沙拉浇头,可能性很大。Your salad can take on any personality when you consider all the different ingredients you can toss with those greens and the dressing. For the main source of protein, some of my favorites are roast chicken or pork tenderloin, or roasted fall vegetables such as butternut squash, turnips, yams, and shallots. Two other favorite toppings are stir-fried shrimp and vegetables and a sautéed assortment of wild mushrooms.




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