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Dried cranberries are cranberries that have been dehydrated and sweetened, and some commercial brands are coated in vegetable oil so that they do not stick together. Cranberries add a tart kick to a myriad of both sweet and savory dishes, including baked goods, salads and stuffing. Although many of the nutrients in fresh cranberries are removed when they are dehydrated, dried cranberries do contain antioxidant properties, flavonoids and dietary fiber. Because the water content is largely removed in the dehydrating process, dried cranberries are also more calorie dense than their fresh counterparts, but they are more pleasant to eat because of their characteristically tart-sweet taste.


Substitute dried tart cherries or raisins in a recipe that calls for dried cranberries. Keep in mind that the cherries will provide more tartness and the raisins will be sweeter.

How to store:

Store unopened dried cranberries in a cool, dry place. An open container of dried cranberries stores best in the refrigerator with low humidity, and should be used within 12 months of opening.



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  • User avater
    Cathycharris |12/28/2018

    I really like this post. this dish is very delicious I tried at home!


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