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Quicker Homemade Burrata

Yield:2 burrata balls, 8 to 9 oz. each

This version of homemade burrata starts with store-bought mozzarella curd, so it’s a little quicker than自己做。无论您是用牛奶开始burrata还是用凝乳开始的,最终结果都会很美味。See the accompanying article for step-by-step photosshowing how to shape the burrata.


  • 1 lb. purchased mozzarella curds
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream; more as needed
  • Kosher salt


Soften the curds and make the straciatella filling

  • Bring the curds to room temperature by either leaving them out, covered, on the counter for a few hours or tempering them in a large bowl of hot water (the hottest you can get from your sink’s tap) for about 15 minutes. (Tip: When pouring hot water on curds, pour around the bowl, rather than directly on the curds. If you pour hot water directly on one section for too long, you are likely to lose butterfat and cause the curds to toughen.)
  • After the curds are slightly pliable (less like tofu, more like taffy), strain them in a colander. Make sure the curds are no larger than 1 inch square; gently break up any bigger ones by hand. Don’t shred the curds. This isn’t an exact science; the point is simply to create more surface area.
  • Remove one-quarter of the curds to a small bowl. Add the cream and 1/2 tsp. salt, combining the mixture with your fingers. Set aside. Transfer the remaining curds to a large bowl.

Make the burrata

  • Heat a large pot of water (tap water is fine) until it registers 175°F to 180°F on a digital thermometer. Fill a large bowl with ice water and set aside.
  • Work 2 Tbs. of kosher salt into the curds using your fingers. It will seem like a lot of salt, but don’t worry; most of it will remain in the water. Ladle or pour the hot water carefully into the bowl of curds—not directly onto the curds, but around them—until they are submerged. Let sit for 1 to 1-1/2 minutes.
  • Stir the stracciatella filling and add more cream if it appears too dry.
  • 用手套或裸露的手(请记住,水很热!),将一半的凝乳聚集成一个球,将其从碗中抬起,然后将其伸到水中。继续伸展它,直到它发亮和弹性。凝乳应立即毫不费力地伸展。如果他们不这样做,请将它们返回热水,直到它们柔软柔韧,然后轻松伸展。(提示:如果水冷却过多,请排干并从锅中加入更多的热水。
  • 快速工作,将拉伸的马苏里拉奶酪轻轻形成直径5到6英寸的圆盘,厚约1/4英寸。将盘放在手掌中。小心2至3汤匙。填充到马苏里拉奶酪磁盘中心的Stracciatella的中,增加了2至3汤匙。碗中的更多奶油。扭动球以密封。将Burrata球放入冰浴中,使其冷却直至牢固,5至6分钟。用剩余的凝乳重复该过程,拉伸并填充剩余的Stracciatella填充物。
  • Serve the burrata immediately, or enclose it in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use. Serve within 48 hours.


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