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Parchment-Wrapped Beef Tenderloin with Leek, Bacon, and Parmesan Stuffing


牛肉tenderloin is popular at Christmas, but few guests will have had it served this way, with a savory, smoky bread stuffing, baked to just the right amount of crisp on the outside and tender, medium-rare meat within.了解有关该技术的更多信息并查看停止措施视频在包装过程



  • 10oz. potato bread, cut into 1/2-inch cubes (about 12 cups)
  • 1/2 oz. dried wild mushrooms
  • 5 slices thick-cut bacon
  • 2 medium leeks (about 14 oz.), white and light-green parts only, halved lengthwise, thinly sliced, washed, and dried
  • 1oz. Parmigiano-Reggiano, finely grated (about 1 cup)
  • 3/4杯切碎的新鲜平叶欧芹
  • 1汤匙。新鲜的百里香叶
  • 犹太盐和新鲜的黑胡椒粉
  • 3/4杯重奶油
  • 3 large eggs


  • 2至2-1/2磅修剪(请参阅下面的提示)整个牛里脊肉
  • 犹太盐和新鲜的黑胡椒粉
  • Cooking spray or olive oil, as needed

For the balsamic sauce

  • 3/4 cup good-quality balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 cup dry red wine
  • 1/4 finely chopped shallot
  • 1dried bay leaf
  • 捏糖
  • 犹太盐和新鲜的黑胡椒粉
  • 5 Tbs. cold unsalted butter, cut into 5 pieces
  • Fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves


  • Calories (kcal) : 570
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):320
  • 脂肪(g):35
  • Saturated Fat (g): 17
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):2
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 12
  • 胆固醇(MG):200
  • 钠(MG):860
  • 碳水化合物(G):30
  • 纤维(G):3
  • Sugar (g): 11
  • 蛋白质(G):33



  • 将架子放在烤箱的中心,加热至350°F。将面包单层排列在一个或两个大的有框烤盘上,然后吐司直至干燥酥脆,约15分钟。冷却到架子上的室温。
  • Put the mushrooms in a small bowl and cover with 1/2 cup boiling water. Soak until softened, about 20 minutes. Strain the mushrooms over a bowl, squeezing them to extract more liquid. Reserve the liquid and mushrooms separately, and coarsely chop the mushrooms.
  • 用中火将培根在大煎锅中煮至约8分钟。将培根转移到纸巾衬板上。将韭菜加入煎锅中,煮熟,偶尔搅拌并根据需要调节热量,直到非常柔软,约10分钟。粗切培根并将其转移到一个大碗中。加入韭菜,面包,蘑菇,奶酪,欧芹,百里香,1/2茶匙。盐和1/2茶匙。胡椒。在一个小碗中,搅拌奶油,鸡蛋和保留的蘑菇浸泡液,然后倒在面包混合物上。扔好,让静置5分钟,然后再次折腾。盖上至少30分钟,最多1天。

Wrap the beef

  • Pat the tenderloin dry and season well with salt and pepper.
  • 将一些保鲜膜放在工作表面上,以使其至少测量20×20英寸;根据需要重叠几块保鲜膜。将羊皮纸至少在塑料包裹上放置,然后用烹饪喷雾剂或轻轻油喷涂羊皮纸。将馅料混合物在羊皮纸上按矩形,尺寸约为12×14英寸。
  • 牛肉在填料的中心位置。lift the plastic to wrap the parchment and stuffing around the beef, rolling it like a sushi roll and encasing the beef completely. Wrap tightly in the plastic wrap, twisting the excess plastic on each end to compress the roast. Tuck the twists under the roast to keep snug. Chill for at least 1 hour and up to 1 day. Longer is better as it helps everything to firm up.

Start the sauce

  • 将醋,葡萄酒,葱,月桂叶和糖混合在一个小锅中。用中高温慢火煮,偶尔搅拌,直至减少近一半,10到12分钟。搁置。酱汁可以到达1天的时间到这一点。盖子和冷藏。


  • 将架子放在烤箱的中心,加热至375°F。将烤盘与羊皮纸排成一列,然后在其中放一个架子。从牛肉中解开塑料,但请留下羊皮纸。将烤肉与肉排搭配大约5个间隔。将烤肉放在架子上。烤至中等稀有(125°F),约60分钟。让休息15分钟。(如果肉在中心凸起,请在上面放一条厨房毛巾,然后轻轻按下卷以重塑它。)
  • Remove the bay leaf from the sauce and gently reheat the sauce over low heat. Swirl in the cold butter just until it melts to thicken the sauce. Remove from the heat. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  • 修剪烤的任何不均匀的边缘。用一把非常锋利的刀将烤肉切成薄片(在此处效果很好)切成厚的切片,随着您的出发,将麻线清除。这些碎片可能会崩溃一些,因此您可能需要在服务板或盘子上重新组装它们。取出羊皮纸,并与酱汁一起食用,并用欧芹装饰。


For best results, be sure the chain, the thin piece of meat and fat that runs along the length of the tenderloin,
is removed. You can remove it yourself at home while trimming or ask the butcher to do it for you.




  • LCCASEY67|12/27/2019

    This I made last Christmas (did the parmesan crust this year). Had to say it was a showstopper. Lots of work but it was 110% worth it, would do it again in a heartbeat. My family thought it was the best Christmas meal we ever had and it actually come out like the photo (due to very careful slicing with a super sharp knife and my husband's hands on the crust). I think I made two (we have about 21 people at dinner). Highly recommended.

  • Jbate|12/08/2019

    关于此食谱的一切都是完美的!完全按建议使用Costco脊肉和所有成分。亚搏手机版官方1小时的烹饪时间正好为125* - 整个过程中稀有的一个完美的中等媒介。馅料很美味,切片有点混乱,但我们能够将几片流浪的碎片重新倒退到位。在上菜之前,将里脊肉准备在冰箱中24小时。

  • PlantQueen|09/08/2019

    This was a delicious meal. I prepared a half recipe. Didn't have dry mushrooms or leeks so used cremini and shallots and sauteed. Since I didn't have the mushroom broth used concentrated beef broth and halved the water addition, shallots, thyme, and parsley and simmered for 15 minutes. Instead of poultry eggs with the cream i used 2 quail eggs. All in all the prep was not that excruciating and when it came to cutting slices were just like in the photo in the magazine. For a side veggie I did a roasted sheet pan combo of yellow beets, sweet potatoes, quartered large red onion, and brussel sprouts tossed in a olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, aleppo pepper marinade.

  • caftbs|2019年2月20日

    Tried this recepie twice, just to be sure. Tasted great. Never ‘looked’ the way it was supposed to. Won’t try this again...


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