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Classic Bouillabaisse

Scott Phillips


This hearty fish stew is a treasure from the South of France. It takes an afternoon to make, but it’s a showstopping all-in-one meal that’s absolutely worth the effort.



  • 2 slender baguettes, sliced into forty 1/2-inch-thick rounds (reserve remaining baguette for rouille)


  • 36个贻贝,昏迷和擦洗
  • 1/4杯超级橄榄油
  • 4个大丁香大蒜,非常切碎
  • 2 medium yellow onions, diced
  • 3 medium fennel bulbs with about 5 inches of stems (about 1-1/2 lb. each), diced
  • 2 medium leeks, diced and washed well
  • 1 medium celery stalk, sliced
  • 3-1/2 lb. fish skeletons, heads, and trimmings (from firm white fish), gills removed
  • 6 medium ripe tomatoes, diced
  • 4 sprigs fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 3个大型小树枝新鲜百里香
  • 2 dried bay leaves
  • Zest of 1 large orange, white pith removed
  • 2汤匙。Pastis,例如Ricard或Pernod
  • 2 tsp. fennel seeds
  • 1/2茶匙。黑胡椒
  • 细海盐
  • 1/2茶匙。非常松散的藏红花线程


  • 3-1/2 lb. moderately firm, skin-on, scaled white fish fillets, such as Atlantic pollock, barramundi, black rockfish, black sea bass, halibut, Pacific cod, porgy, sablefish, or striped bass (use 4 types of fish—14 oz. of each)
  • 1汤匙。Pastis,例如Ricard或Pernod
  • 细海盐and freshly ground black pepper

For the potatoes

  • 1-3/4磅的小白色或黄色土豆(约8个),剥皮并切成3/8英寸厚的圆圈,丢弃的末端


  • 2 medium cloves garlic, very coarsely chopped
  • 细海盐
  • 辣椒
  • 1 cup fresh crustless coarse breadcrumbs (use reserved baguette from croutons)
  • 6 Tbs. fish broth (from cooking potatoes)
  • 3 slices cooked potato
  • 1/4杯超级橄榄油


  • 细海盐and freshly ground black pepper

Nutritional Information

  • Calories (kcal) : 660
  • Fat Calories (kcal): 180
  • Fat (g): 20
  • Saturated Fat (g): 3.5
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):3
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 12
  • Cholesterol (mg): 105
  • Sodium (mg): 1200
  • Carbohydrates (g): 59
  • Fiber (g): 3
  • 蛋白质(G):54



  • 将架子放在烤箱的中心,然后将烤箱加热到450°F。将法式面包放在大的有框烤盘上,烘烤,直到酥脆,变成大黄金,大约10分钟。关掉烤箱,部分打开门,让面包丁冷却并在烤箱中干燥。在密封的容器中存放长达1天。


  • 将贻贝和1杯水放入4至5夸脱的锅中。盖上,用高火煮沸,煮至所有贻贝打开,约2分钟。将滤网放在一个小碗上。将贻贝塞进过滤器中,丢弃壳。按下贻贝,挤出任何剩余的液体;丢弃固体。将贻贝煮熟的液体过滤到碗中,放在一旁。
  • Heat the oil in a wide 8- to 10-quart pot over medium heat. Add the garlic and onions, cover, and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened but not colored, about 8 minutes. Add the fennel, leeks, and celery and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, until completely soft but not colored, about 20 minutes.
  • 蔬菜烹调时,使用一个厨师的刀或kitchen scissors to cut the fish skeletons into 4- to 5-inch pieces. Add the fish skeletons, heads, and trimmings to the pot, along with the tomatoes, parsley, thyme, bay leaves, orange zest, pastis, fennel seeds, peppercorns, 2 tsp. salt, and the reserved mussel liquid. Add enough cold water to just cover the solids when you press them down gently (about 1 quart). Bring to a gentle simmer over medium heat and cook, uncovered, until you can easily break the fish parts with a wooden spoon, about 30 minutes. Break apart as many of the fish parts as you can with the spoon.
  • Put a food mill over a large bowl and, working in batches, grind the cooked broth ingredients, discarding the solids left in the food mill between batches. Clean the pot and put a fine strainer over it. Working in batches, strain the broth, pushing hard on the solids with a ladle to squeeze out all the liquid, and discarding the solids between batches.
  • Crumble the saffron into the broth and bring to a boil to infuse the saffron. Turn off the heat and use an immersion blender to emulsify the broth, or whisk vigorously. Season to taste with salt. Set aside. A thin, greasy skin will form on top of the broth as it sits—skim it off before cooking the potatoes.


  • While the broth cooks, cut the fish fillets so you have 8 pieces of each type of fish. Use a scale; each piece should be about 1-3/4 oz. (If you have more than 14 oz. of any type of fish, trim off the thinner parts—the tail pieces and belly flaps—first and add them to the fish broth.) Put the fish in a large baking dish, keeping the same types of fish together (so you can keep track of each type).
  • 在您计划完成炖菜之前,请腌制鱼:撒上馅饼,然后撒上1茶匙。盐和1/2茶匙。胡椒。将鱼搅拌均匀,仍然将相同类型的鱼放在一起。让鱼在冰箱中腌制30分钟;然后,在烹饪前在室温下静置15分钟。

For the potatoes

  • 把土豆放进4- to 5-quart pot. Add enough of the fish broth to cover completely, about 3 cups. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat, and simmer until slightly undercooked and still a little firm in the centers, about 8 minutes. Set aside off the heat—the potatoes will finish cooking in the hot broth.


  • In a mortar, mash the garlic and 1/4 tsp. each salt and cayenne with a pestle. Mash in the breadcrumbs and broth. Mash in the potato. Mash in the oil a little at a time. The rouille should be fairly thick and spreadable. Don’t overmash, or it will get gummy. Season to taste with more salt and cayenne; it should be pleasantly spicy. (Alternatively, mash the garlic and salt to a paste on a cutting board with the side of a chef’s knife. Transfer the paste to a bowl and use a fork to mash in the remaining ingredients. Don’t use a food processor, because it makes a gummy rouille.)


  • Warm 8 wide, shallow soup bowls and a sauce pitcher in a low oven. Top 16 of the croutons with a thin layer of the rouille (you won’t use it all). Transfer the remaining rouille and croutons to 2 bowls to pass at the table.
  • Reheat the potatoes in their broth, but do not boil, or they will break apart. Meanwhile, bring the large pot of fish broth to a brisk simmer over medium-high heat. Use a slotted spatula to divide the potatoes among the warm serving bowls. Add the broth remaining from the potatoes to the large pot of fish broth and return to a brisk simmer.
  • 将较厚的鱼块加到沸腾的肉汤中,然后加入更薄的碎片。如果可能的话,请尝试将相同类型的鱼保持在一起,以更容易镀板。偷猎直到稀薄的碎片刚煮熟,大约6分钟。虽然鱼偷猎,但肉汤应该留在裸露的小火锅中。根据需要调节热量。快速工作,使用开槽的刮刀将较薄的鱼,皮肤侧向分布在碗中。检查以确保将较厚的碎片煮熟并在碗中分配。每份食物应获得4种鱼类。
  • Return the broth to a boil over high heat. Remove from the heat and use an immersion blender or whisk to emulsify the broth. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Ladle a generous amount of broth over each serving of fish. Transfer any remaining broth to the warm pitcher.
  • 雀巢2个在每个碗中的rouille顶面面包屑,并撒上欧芹。立即食用,在桌子上经过剩余的面包丁,rouille和汤。

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Reviews (2 reviews)

  • User avater

    It is good for health.

  • winstonk|10/30/2011

    昨晚做了这六个晚餐,共有六场,并得到了食客的好评。四条鱼是黑色鲈鱼,布兰奇诺,石斑鱼和红鲷鱼,从全食物中购买了全食,他们清洗,圆角和保留了鱼零件作为汤。在星期四晚上将鱼片和零件带回家,将它们放入冰箱过夜,然后在第二天早晨直到周六在冰箱中烹饪。还在那儿放了贻贝,正如他们所建议的那样,将它们放在冰箱中的两天,里面的漏勺,放在一个覆盖着压碎的冰的大碗中。整个下午花了很多时间,高质量的成分很昂贵,需要很多设备,但值得。亚搏手机版官方在制作汤时,我将中途从9夸脱的储备锅切换为20夸脱龙虾锅,以容纳所有成分。亚搏手机版官方没有砂浆,所以rouille是用碗和叉子制成的,并取得了不错的成绩。如建议的,将其与普罗旺斯(2010 Chateau Revelette)的干玫瑰和柠檬酸搭配起来。

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