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photo: Scott Phillips


传统的BûchedeNoël上的这种转折是度假聚会或用餐的光荣核心甜点。虽然蛋糕需要一些时间投资,但当您透露华丽的垂直层时,这是值得的。看到分步大会照片的文章,浏览我们的装饰的想法, from加糖浆果meringue mushrooms.


For the ganache filling

  • 15 oz. good-quality white chocolate, such as Ghirardelli, coarsely chopped (not chips)
  • 1-1/4 cups heavy cream
  • 4-3/4茶匙。即时意式浓缩咖啡
  • Pinch of table salt


  • 1/3 cup (1 oz.) unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 Tbs. unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 2/3杯全牛奶
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2茶匙。纯香草提取物
  • 1/4 tsp. table salt; more to taste
  • 4-1/2盎司。(3/4杯)切碎的苦乐参半(可可60%)巧克力
  • 5盎司。(10汤匙)无盐黄油,软化


  • 1/3杯水
  • 1/4杯砂糖
  • 4茶匙。波旁威士忌或咖啡利口酒


  • Nonstick cooking spray or softened butter, for the pan
  • 1-1/4杯(5-3/4盎司)未漂白的全能面粉;锅的更多
  • 1茶匙发酵粉
  • 1/2 tsp. table salt
  • 5个大鸡蛋和1个蛋黄,在室温下
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 Tbs. neutral oil, such as canola
  • 1-1/2茶匙。纯香草提取物
  • 糖果的糖,用于除尘(约1杯)
  • 装饰装饰(可选)

Nutritional Information

  • 卡路里(KCAL):510
  • Fat Calories (kcal): 260
  • Fat (g): 29
  • 饱和脂肪(G):17
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):1
  • 单不饱和脂肪(G):5
  • 胆固醇(MG):120
  • Sodium (mg): 170
  • Carbohydrates (g): 59
  • Fiber (g): 2
  • 糖(G):48
  • 蛋白质(G):7


Make the ganache

  • Put the white chocolate in a medium heatproof bowl. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, warm the cream, espresso powder, and salt, stirring occasionally to dissolve the espresso, just until small bubbles start to form at the side of the pan, 3 to 4 minutes. Pour the cream mixture over the white chocolate, and then gently stir with a whisk until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth, 1 to 2 minutes (this can also be done in a microwave). Set aside at room temperature, stirring occasionally, until cooled. Then refrigerate, stirring occasionally, until cold, about 3 hours or up to 3 days ahead. (For faster cooling, set the bowl over a larger bowl filled with an ice bath, stirring and scraping the sides frequently.)
  • Pour and scrape the chilled ganache into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Beat the ganache on low speed to loosen, about 10 seconds. Then continue beating on low speed until slightly lighter in color and thickened, about 2 minutes. Increase the speed to medium until firm peaks form, being careful not to overbeat the ganache and scraping the bowl as needed, about 1 minute more. Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until ready to assemble the cake, up to 1 day in advance.

Make the buttercream

  • 将可可和面粉放入一个小锅中。将锅倒在一侧,加入约一半的牛奶,然后搅拌直至混合物变厚且光滑。加入剩余的牛奶,然后搅拌直至光滑。在继续前进之前至少放置一个小时,最好过夜。
  • Cook, whisking constantly, over medium-low heat until boiling, and then continue to boil, whisking constantly, for 1 minute. The mixture will be thick. With the pan off the heat, add the sugar, vanilla, and salt, and whisk until the sugar is dissolved.
  • 将巧克力放入耐热的中等碗中。用巧克力在碗上,将可可混合物倒入细筛筛,以将任何小面粉碎(用铲子轻轻地通过筛子移动液体 - 不要按下)。将筛子的底面刮入碗中,然后丢弃面粉。搅拌直至巧克力融化(如有必要,微波炉或将碗放在轻轻沸腾的水上)。放在一边,偶尔搅拌,冷却至室温。(为了更快的冷却速度,将碗放在一个装满冰浴的较大碗上,搅拌并经常刮擦侧面,直到冷却至室温。)
  • 将黄油放入装有桨叶附件的立式搅拌机的碗中,以中高速搅拌至非常光滑,约1分钟。加入房间温度的巧克力混合物,以中等速度打击,直到平滑且混合良好,约2分钟。用保鲜膜盖住,并保持在室温下,直到准备组装蛋糕或最多3个小时。

Make the syrup

  • In a microwave or in a small saucepan on the stove, combine the water and sugar. Cook until the sugar is dissolved, about 1 minute. Stir in the bourbon, and set aside to cool to room temperature. (For faster cooling, set the bowl over a larger bowl filled with an ice bath, stirring frequently.) Cover with plastic, and refrigerate until ready to assemble the cake or for up to 3 days.


  • 将架子放在烤箱的中心,然后将烤箱加热至350°F。轻轻润滑大框烤盘(13x18x1英寸)的底部和侧面,并用羊皮纸将底部衬到底部。轻轻油脂和面粉羊皮纸,然后将锅的侧面轻轻面粉。轻轻挖出多余的面粉。
  • 将面粉,发酵粉和盐放入中等大小的碗中,然后搅拌直至混合。将鸡蛋和蛋黄放入装有搅拌附件的立式搅拌机的碗中(或使用装有钢丝机的手持电动搅拌机在大碗中)。以中高的速度打败,直到颜色苍白,约2分钟。逐渐加入砂糖,并继续跳动直至非常厚,并且体积增加了三倍,为2至3分钟。当搅拌器抬起时,它应该足够厚,可以在碗中形成一丝面糊。加入油和香草,以中等速度打击直至混合。将一半的面粉混合物撒在鸡蛋上,然后用大的硅胶刮刀轻轻折叠直至混合。重复剩余的面粉。
  • Scrape the batter into the prepared pan, and using an offset spatula, spread evenly. Bake until the top springs back when lightly touched and the cake is just baked through but not browned, 10 to 12 minutes.
  • While the cake is baking, have ready four long strips of paper towels, the confectioners’ sugar for dusting, a fine-mesh sieve, a small serrated knife, and two large wire racks.
  • When the cake comes out of the oven, move the pan to a rack, and sift the confectioners’ sugar over the cake in a generous layer. Using a sawing motion, run the tip of the knife around the edges to loosen the cake from the pan. Using the same knife and a sawing motion, cut the cake crosswise into five equal strips (each 3-1/4 inches wide). You will need to trim the last strip by about 1/4 inch so that the strips are a consistent width. Arrange two overlapping paper towels on top of one single end strip, aligning the inside edges. Cover the remaining 4 cake strips completely with the remaining 3 long overlapping paper towels, and cover with a rack large enough to overhang the edges of the pan. Gripping the rack with towels and with the baking sheet sandwiched in between, flip the pan and rack to invert. Lift the pan from the cake, and carefully peel away the parchment.
  • Working with one end of the single cake strip and beginning on a short side, roll up the cake and paper-towel layer together. Do this while the cake is still hot, or it will crack. Arrange seam side down on the rack. Beginning on the short sides, roll the remaining cake strips and paper towels together, hold for about 1 minute, and then unroll. Let the rolled cake strip and remaining cake strips cool completely, about 20 minutes.


  • Have ready the whipped ganache, buttercream, and syrup.
  • Carefully unroll the cooled curled cake strip. It will look a bit wavy and one end will be curled. Discard the paper towel. Using a pastry brush, wipe off as much of the confectioners’ sugar as possible, and put the cake strip on a new rack. Leaving behind the paper towels, move the remaining strips to the new rack, inverting them so the confectioners’ sugar side is up. Using a pastry brush, wipe off as much of the excess sugar as possible and flip them back over. Using a small sharp knife, cut a 3/4-inch bevel on the noncurly end of the curled cake strip. Repeat this beveled cut on both ends of the flat strips.
  • 将一些糖浆均匀地刷在卷曲的蛋糕条上,并将大约1/3杯的甘纳斯均匀地撒在条带上,包括进入卷曲的边缘。轻轻重新重新磨砂蛋糕条。将卷竖立在切菜板或大板上的羊皮纸上。
  • 一次与一条蛋糕条一起工作(提前刷所有条带导致潮湿,难以柄的条),将一些糖浆均匀地刷在条上,并轻轻均匀地散布约1/2杯的Ganache条带,包括斜角边缘。
  • Positioning your hands on the short side of the strip, lift it (don’t stretch it), and wrap it around the frosted cake strip, aligning one edge with the edge of the previously wrapped strip, pressing gently but firmly so the layers hold together (that’s what I call a cake “hug”). Don’t worry if there are some small cracks. Repeat the process with the remaining strips and syrup using 1/2 cup of ganache for each strip. After wrapping the last piece, secure the end with a couple of toothpicks, if you like. If there is any remaining sugar syrup, sprinkle it over the top of the cake. Using an offset spatula, spread about 1/4 cup of the remaining ganache over the top of the cake to fill in any gaps. Refrigerate the cake for about 15 minutes to set the ganache. Cover and refrigerate any remaining ganache to use as a garnish, if you like.
  • Remove the toothpicks if you’ve used them to secure the cake. Spread a thin layer of the buttercream over the sides and top of the assembled cake to seal in the crumbs. Refrigerate the cake for about 15 minutes to set the buttercream. Spread the remaining buttercream evenly over the sides and top of cake. (This is the time to use the tines of a fork to create a rustic bark pattern if you like. Also, if you want to use chopped pistachios to create the look of lichen, apply them now.)
  • 冷藏1小时,然后松散盖子。放松1天。食用前约1小时,将蛋糕从冰箱中取出。使用大蛋糕铲或升降机将蛋糕移至服务盘。丢弃羊皮纸。如果您愿意,请在蛋糕上撒上蛋糕,巧克力卷发,薄荷猪笼草,银龙,加糖和糖果糖的粉尘。用热刀将蛋糕切成楔子,在每片切片之前擦拭刀。


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  • Bschmink|12/11/2021


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  • bob_bob|12/29/2019

    I made this for Christmas. My family uniformly said it was the best cake they ever had. I agree with some of the comments and not with others, so I will give a detailed review.
    As background, I have made a traditional Bunche before, indeed a complex version from Jacquy Pfeiffer. That said, I don’t make a lot of cakes so this was pushing my skills a bit. Also, my local stores had a run on decent quality white chocolate, and I couldn’t find anything after visiting four stores that I would use, so I ended up using Amazon Prime for next day delivery of a 12 pack of Lindt bars, which proved to be lucky.
    The reason it was lucky is that when I went to whip the white chocolate ganache the morning after I made it, it broke, meaning it crystallized and was unusable. I tried Pfeiffer’s trick for repairing a broken ganache, and it came back together, and then after 15 minutes in the fridge it broke again. I decided to remake it because it really tasted phenomenal before it broke, and fortunately I had a LOT of white chocolate on hand, but mentally I was working on plan B, which fortunately wasn’t needed. For the second batch, I cooled it in an ice bath, since it was now the day I needed to make it, and I barely whipped it with a whisk. It wasn’t as smooth as I would have liked, but didn’t taste bad, and since it was on the inside I was okay if it wasn’t shiny as long as it wasn’t grainy. I don’t see how you can whip a cold ganache with a whisk attachment of a home quality Kitchenaid mixer, it’s just too flimsy. After the fact I see other ganaches whipped with a hand mixer and I might try that.
    我没有混合蛋糕面糊的问题。我将蛋糕烤了一分钟比准则长一分钟,当它似乎适合何时完成的描述,并且没有使用对流。我对翻转和初步滚动没有问题。尽管我的斜面不是很整洁,但它们并不需要。我确实有一场战斗使Ganache坚持下去,但没有所有的蛋糕掉下来,但是我发现了谦虚的团块和固定优势时的公司蔓延。每一层都被盖上并滚动后,我给了蛋糕一个坚定的拥抱,以确保粘附的层。我没有添加很多糖浆(大约2/3),但是很好 - 既不干也太湿。在我拿起甘纳奇(Ganache)之后,滚动真的很好,我感到非常高兴,因为我有一个很好,紧密的圆柱体,甚至对我来说就足够了。最后,我想用白巧克力桦树皮装饰它,所以我跳过了奶油,然后去买了一层薄薄的菲佛巧克力甘纳果,它可以顺利且精美地补充其他口味。实际上,蛋糕在用叉子沟里ganache后需要额外的装饰,我只是炫耀。 After decorating and a few hours in the fridge and about an hour out of it, I used a hot knife to cut it and it cut perfectly. The taste was amazing and the vertical layers were stunning.
    The four stars are because of the heartbreak of the broken ganache, and how frustrating it was to put it on the layers. My guests would rate it beyond 5. So if you are adventurous, give it a try!


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