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How to Crimp a Pie Crust

Learn a simple technique for making a basic fluted crust

Sarah Breckenridge
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Crimping the edges of a pie crust makes it look pretty, but there’s another, more functional reason our grandmas did this for all their pies. It also helps to hold up the edge of single crust pies, so they don’t slump during baking, and can hold lots of delicious fillings. In this video, you’ll learn a simple technique for making a basic fluted crust. The key is to trim your dough a little long so you can build up a nice high edge.

滚出派面团,然后转移到金属馅饼板上。边缘应该有很多悬垂,因此第一步是甚至向上。您可以使用刀子或厨房剪切来修剪悬垂的悬垂物,因此在馅饼周围的整个悬垂物3/4至1英寸 - 使用标尺在几个斑点上进行标记和测量,然后在切割时将标记连接起来。请注意,这种悬垂的时间比很多食谱都要削减了很多,但是有原因。抓住您刚刚修剪的废料,当您犯下压倒性时,它们可能会派上用场。

Thanksgiving Headquarters
VisitThe Guide to Thanksgiving Dinnerfor more holiday how-to and hundreds of recipes for pie, turkey, and sides. Also, check outBaker’s Centralfor more recipes, videos, and a free downloadable baker’s guide.

More Pie Tips & TricksFor more information on how how to bake perfect pies, watch the Fine Cooking Culinary School Video Series:Pies & Tarts with Abby Johnson Dodge.

Take that overhang and roll it under itself, so you have a rolled cylinder that rests on the rim of the pie plate. By rolling the dough under rather than just folding it once, you create a higher edge, which gives you a little more to work with when you’re crimping.

Now you’re ready to crimp the crust. Work with one hand on the inside of the edge, and one hand on the outside, and use the index finger of your inside hand to push the dough between the thumb and index finger of your outside hand to form a U or V shape. Then, continue the same motion all around the pie plate, spacing your flutes about an inch apart.

If you notice as you’re going along that you didn’t trim things up quite perfectly and your crust is a little sparse in one spot, don’t worry; it’s easy to fix. Take a bit of your trimmed scrap, wet it with a drop or two of water, and attach it to the sparse area by pressing it firmly into place, and then just keep crimping.

When you’ve worked your way all around the pie, the last thing to do is prick the crust all over the bottom and sides with a fork, and then chill it for at least an hour before baking, which helps the crust keep its shape in the oven.


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