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Joanne Weir

  • Recipe

    Spelt Salad with Cherry Tomatoes and Zucchini

    This summery side salad pairs chewy grains of spelt with sweet cherry tomatoes and zucchini. It's a perfect take-along dish for a picnic or potluck.

  • Recipe

    Grain Salad Recipe: Create Your Own

    Say you're going to a potluck, picnic, or barbecue. What do you bring? A grain salad is always a brilliant choice. Not only can it be made completely ahead, but…

  • Recipe

    Wheat Berry Salad with Green Beans and Corn

    This hearty salad is perfect summer-picnic fare: chewy wheat berries, crisp-tender corn and green beans, sweet golden beets and pungent blue cheese crumbles.

  • Recipe

    Quinoa Salad with Pears and Dried Cherries

    This grain salad is full of harvest flavors, including ripe pears, toasty walnuts and chewy sweet dried cherries. It pairs perfectly with a roasted chicken.

  • Recipe

    Barley Salad with Peas and Asparagus

    Fresh peas, sugar snaps, and asparagus imbue this simple grain salad with the essence of spring. Pearled barley takes about 30 to 45 minutes to cook; you can also substitute…

  • Recipe

    Brown Rice Salad with Apples and Cheddar

    This hearty grain and lentil salad travels well, making it great for a weekday lunch.

  • Recipe

    Farro Salad with Artichokes and Fennel

    Radicchio, fennel, cannellini beans, pine nuts, and artichoke hearts give this grain salad an Italian accent, and make it hearty enough to be a meatless main dish. It packs well,…

  • Recipe

    Bulgur Salad with Carrots and Peppers

    Think of this salad as a heartier twist on tabbouleh, with extra veggies and tangy feta cheese crumbles.

  • Recipe

    Basmati Rice Salad with Mango and Cucumber

    Mango, ginger, cilantro and rice vinegar give a Southeast Asian twist to this rice salad. The spicy-and-cool flavor profile makes it a perfect partner for Tandoori Chicken Legs or Spicy…

  • Recipe

    Fattoush (Middle Eastern Bread Salad)

    In the Mideast, stale rounds of pita bread are toasted until crisp, then made into this vibrant bread salad. Fresh mint, parsley, and cilantro and a tangy lemon dressing give…

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