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36 results
  • sweet potato gratin

    Spiced Sweet Potato Gratin

    With their lovely orange color and gentle sweetness, sweet potatoes are an appealing gratin ingredient. Adding a few Middle Eastern spices and citrus zest is a fragrant, exotic touch.

  • Recipe

    Slow-Cooker Lamb Shawarma

    Though true shawarma is made with shaved meat cooked slowly on a spit, meat cooked in a slow cooker produces a similarly tender texture, and its full, fragrant flavor will…

  • Recipe

    Wilted Red Cabbage with Mint and Goat Feta

    This salad is lightly wilted and warm, giving it a lush color and more tender texture. The thinner you slice the cabbage, the more tender it will be. A mandoline…

  • Recipe

    Curried Cauliflower Salad

    Delicious hot or cold, this colorful salad, which includes both raw and cooked elements, delivers a unique mixture of textures and bright flavors. For a family-style meal, I like to…

  • Turkey Quinoa Bowl

    Spiced Ground Turkey Quinoa Bowl with Yogurt-Tahini Sauce

    This may be a one-bowl meal, but don’t underestimate it. It boasts plenty of different flavors and textures, which makes every bite taste deliciously different.

  • Recipe

    Shaved Fennel Salad with Oranges, Black Olives, and Pistachios

    With its sweet and salty flavors, this colorful salad makes a superb first course and would also work well as a side to a rich braise. A short soak in…

  • Recipe

    Spiced Date-Filled Pogaca Rolls

    The spice mix used here, called baharat, is a signature flavoring at Kilpatrick's café Sofra, and it takes the dried-fruit filling of these soft, airy dinner rolls to the savory…

  • Recipe

    Sausage-Filled Pogaca Rolls

    A sauté of celery, onions, and thyme gives this sausage filling the flavor of a classic Thanksgiving stuffing, making these soft, airy rolls the perfect accompaniment to holiday turkey. Note…

  • Recipe

    Feta-and-Herb-Filled Pogaca Rolls

    Though this filling couldn’t be easier to make, it packs a bright punch of flavor, and the green flecks make it especially pretty. Note that there are two sets of shaping…

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